Problems (again) with Avast and Mbam

I have Avast free and Mbam Pro. When i do a memory scan with avast i get 7 treats from Mbamservice. When i shut down Mbam and scan again i get no trreats. See attachment. How do i solve this? Hitman pro . bitdefender, and mbam sees no treats on y pc.

Easy to solve…DO NOT use the scan memory setting as this will give some strange scan results

Search the forum and you should find hundreds of cases…

Do not change the scan settings if You do not know the result…
I recomend using the default quick/full scan with default settings

As has been said on many instances before, stop scanning memory in your custom scan.

Detections in Memory -
My guess is that you are doing a Custom scan in which you have elected to scan Memory and that all these detections are in memory. Since they aren’t physical files they can’t be moved to the chest, deleted, etc. so there is no action that can be taken, hence the Apply button being greyed out.

The detections in memory are frequently other security applications loading unencrypted virus signatures into memory. Having set off a scan of memory by an antivirus application looking for virus signatures, don’t be too surprised if it finds some in memory.

Whilst it is possible to set Memory Scan exclusions, I see little point in scanning memory (as it is a bit late if it were malware loaded in memory) - You can set the exclusion (e.g. for the particular scan you created) as follows (example for mbam):

  • then the mbamservice process won’t be scanned at all.

Thanks David and Pondus!

You’re welcome.