Problems w/ Archive scanning???

I have noticied with the exception of the most recent build which was released today the previous three versions were able to detect and remove viruses in .rar file format. As of the new version released today I am now unable to even detect the virus let alone deal with it. Any and all help would be appreciated. Thanks again in advance. I have recieved alot of viruses in the last few weeks and they have been in a .rar file format and now the program can’t even identify the virus contained in the .rar file format let alone deal with it.


In order for me to check on your claim, I need to know the name of the virus .rar file.

As far as I know, the ability of Avast to detect infrected .rar has not changed with the latest build 343, database 0401-8, however, I do not see .rar in the default blocker file extension set. I will forward this information onto Avast.

How did you test for the .rar file?


I have the same problem, before Avast always detected a virus in a rar file even if i just selected the rar, now i can open an infected rar file & it onyy when i try to extract, it picks it up, or if i use the context menu scanner

I know that Avast in previous builds would alert U if U clicked it once, i hope this is just a bug as one of the many reasons i use Avast is cause of the archive scanning

I have checked my options in both simple & enhanced & they are the same, all packers ticked & all the individual packers ticked as well, also have zip & rar in my extension set in both open & created/modified, please fix it soon if it a bug, i dont want to change av’s for a while till it is :frowning:

BaNzI :o

PS i know it worked before as having zip & rar does hit the resources a bit, but i feel a little sluggishness is better than a infected pc

Hey techie 101,
It’s radicalb21. I thought it might be a problem as I recently changed from winrar 3.20 to winrar 3.30. but this was not the case. I have tested this with eicar test file in a .rar file format. Also I have tried it with various forms of mimail worm recent variants, mydoom.a & mydoom.b , as well as beast 2.05 . None of which are identified or can be dealt with. If I click the ball in the system tray the resident protection window pops up then click details scan setting is set to high. Select standard shield then cutomize then scanner advanced tab and add rar to additional extensions the above files are now detected with out any problems. Now my settings are customized instead of high. Before this wasn’t necessary as it was done by default without having to add additional extensions under the scanner advanced tab. Any and all help would be appreciated.

Thanks for the reply BanziBaby.

The problem occurs when scanning from the context menu and also when running a full scan of the system.

Doesn’t sound good >:(
Let me check more about this.


I checked into this problem and was informed that Avast still should detect .rar files. I also had to insert the .rar extension into my Avast as did you.

VLK is now aware of the problem. I have been in contact with Igor about this and will update him on what is going on.

This needs to be either explained or fixed. It will be.

Hang in there for now. :wink:


Thanks for checking it out Vlk & Techie :slight_smile:

Know U guys will get it fixed as soon as, will just have to use another av till the next update

I think it might just be an unpacker bug/error, cause i can happilly download infected rar files & instead of Avast detecting them as they start to download ( i use opera) like it did, it says nothing, i can even open an archived rar file with a virus & still nothing, yes i know that Avast picks it up when U try to extract, but it isnt it better the way it did handle them, ie if in Ur extention set then scanned as they created/modified/opened

Wtih all the varients of MyDoom going about, it not the best time to lose rar scanning abilty in Ur av :frowning:

BaNzI :o

Thanks to everyone who is trying to get this problem resolved. I’ll check back later for updates. Like I said thanks again for the help.

OK I probably know where’s the problem, but looking to the source code history shows that this particular problem was introduced already in version 4.1.229, published on 20th June 2003!

Is it possible that you somehow didn’t notice that since last June?
How long have you been using avast?


Hey VLK,
It’s radicalb21. I have been using AVAST since version 4.1.260. All the version since 4.1.260 through 4.1.335 didn’t have the problem I’m talking about. This problem was introduced in yesterdays program update to version 4.1.342. I can’t say anything about the version you referred to as I didn’t come on board with your product until version 4.1.260. If you need any screenshots or more information I’ll try and supply it as best I can. Thanks for the help in getting this problem solved. In case I wasn’t clear in my original post this problem occurs when I right click on an .rar file and select the scan option from the context menu. This problem also persists when scanning my system and I have a checkmark box checked to scan archives. This also occurs in boot scan as well.

Well I was talking about the on-access scanner.
I pretty much see what Banzi was describing, and it almost 100% was introduced back in June.

However, otherwise the RAR unpacker seems to work without problems on our systems. Both the Explorer right-click scan and classic scan from the avast UI correctly unpack RAR files and warn about infected content…

I can confirm this too.


Well i have been using Avast since version 4 & never had the prob that Vlk mentions, the first i knew of the rar prob was when i read radicalb21 post & then tested it for myself, i do know it was working fine right up untill the new prog update as it has picked up a few rar files that were infected

As some know i did have a few probs on 98se with Avast, specially the SMTP authentication not letting me send mail (got round that by applying the Update Roots Certificates patch from M$ update, i now run XP with sp1 & have made Avast my main AV again while keepin Nod as a backup (will be using it untill this prob/bug is fixed)

Im not doubting what Vlk says, but the prob only happened after the 343 update on my system, here is how i tested it, using the previous build, i downloaded the eicar test file (with Avast disabled as it detected the file in the zip file), then created a rar file with the test file in it & Avast picked it up as soon as i highlighted the file, then updated Avast to version 343 & tried again, nothing, could open the rar file ok & Avast only alerted when i tried to extract, still to test the mail scanner

This worries me as WinRar usually unpacks the files in the rar to a temp folder in the temp directory when U open or extract the files & quite often leaves these folders behind

The reason i dont post here much is because i have never really had serious probs with the program, although i do check the forum many times a day & will post if i can feel i can help

I have complete faith in Vlk & Avast team in fixing this minor niggle, it no prob for me to use Nod till it is fixed (I still think Avast is better than Nod, especially on the worm/trojan & archive scanning side)

Thankfully, due to the great members of this forum, i was alerted to the prob & thats why i tested it BEFORE i updated to version 343

BaNzI :o

It’s all new to me. My scanner picked up couple of infected .zip files on 1/18/04, which I emailed to Avast.

I have unistalled and reinstalled just in case it was a bad download. It appear to be a bad download. After reinstall everything is back to normal. thanks for the help.

Well, how do I check if I had a bad download?

Any more news from Avast team about this prob ???

Or is it just yet another case of uninstall & reinstall, like i isad this behaviour only appeared with version 343

Just bumpin the thread again ;D

BaNzI :o

I’m still not clear on what the problem was to begin with but I restored an infected .zip file and Avast scanner found it without unzipping the file.