I have a computer with Windows 7 and had old version of avast but couldn’t renew the subscription. So I decided to update Avast (avastui version 21.2.6096.0). I made a clear installation uninstall with avastclear and then install it.
With this version I have some problems.
if I use the computer without open the avast interface the shutting down goes normally but if I open avast interface then the shutting down delays. When I restart again I visualize a lot of errors on the event viewer with some services that were closed unexpectedly.
For some reason when opening and closing the interface something stucks and I think that causes the delay on the Antivirus service and this causes all the errors on the other services on shutting down. I will be very grateful if you help me. Thanks a lot!!
21.2 and windows 7 work flawlessly. Maybe you have something with the hard drive. Usually broken and slow sectors can slow down the system shutdown very much. Especially if these sectors contain files related to antivirus.
My previous version (17) worked well.If I could have broken sectors in my hard drive my old version wouldn’t have worked either.
Whenever I had to update avast I had problems for this reason I uninstall the old version and install the new one but still there are problems. I have 2 other computers in which I also had problems with this version but in those cases I have been able to solve it putting exceptions. But in this case the problem only appears when opening the ui that is the reason that it is difficult to find a solution. Thanks for your help!
I surfed on the event viewer deeper and I found that the problem is on the shutting down sometimes not always, it is an erratic behavior. When the problem occurs appeared on the event viewer many appcrash with the event bex ( the services that I mentioned on the other post). This problem began with this version of avast. I unistalled it and install again and appears the same problem. I have an All in One Hp computer touchsmart 610 with windows 7 home premium 64 bits.
I read that bex is buffer overflow exception. i wanted to ask if someone happened this problem and how can I solve it. I will be grateful if you help me.
Is this problem solved ? because on one pc with AVG also hangs for 5 seconds before shutting down … with other AV no problems with shutting down.
Latest build AVG, windows 11 home
Well this is the Avast Support forum (I know what your thinking), perhaps you should be asking their.
But a whole 5 seconds. Avast (and presumably AVG) is still active right up to the very last possible second as shutdown activity could generate an antivirus response.