Problems with game

Im not sure this is the right section but anyway, I play this online game wolfteam and during a match loading screen, the game produces a TMP file which is recognized as malware (its false positive)and freezes the match loading screen. anyway i tried to add wolfteam to the exceptions list but it still didn’t work. I can always turn the shields off but i usually forget that they are off.

Also with the new sandbox mode, when avast tried to open wolfteam in that mode “by itself from settings” the anti-hack “gameguard” kicked in saying avast was a hacking program because sandboxes are used for stacking which violates the games TOS. so when gameguard tried to kill avast the game and avast broke. “needed new installment”

so these are basically bug reports

avast its blocking the antihack program (hackshieldpro for combat arms) and its stop updating - error code 204 - no more gameplay. bye bye combat arms or bye bye avast. ???
only after avast 6.0 update combat arms (hackshieldpro) didnt work. before was ok. :-\

i uninstalled avast 6.0 and installed an older version 5.0.677. i’ll never update “program” only “engine and virus definitions”(by setting manual update). combat arms (hackshieldpro)worked.