I have payed almost 10€ for this app, before it became free. After installing Belle i installed it again, but couldn’t access it anymore!!! And my access code that i am entering is 100% right, because it is written in my documents in computer, and i was able to access the menu before installing Belle.
Yesterday i deleted my mass memory and also wiped phone memory (also did factory reset), after that i went to Ovi Store again, and there was no Launch button, which means that it is not installed on my phone. Then i downloaded it again, and after installation i opened it by clicking the icon in my App list. I made all the necessary steps for enabling the Theft Aware (Advenced settings) and upon exiting the application the icon was hidden from installed Application list and i was able to enter it by dialing my secret code number for a few times (4 or 5 times). Today i wanted to enter the menu again (to allow the new SIM card) by calling my secret number, but nothing happens - i only get the response that this number doesn’t exist. Now i can’t uninstall it again - if it’s not working anymore, why it is still available for download (for phones with Belle) on Ovi Store? I know that you are not offering support for Symbian phones anymore, but i would still like to know if you can help me somehow? When i was buying this Application it was said, that this is not a time limited license, and that it should work as long as the phone with the IMEI that was activated when i bought it, works.
ok, i successfuly entered the menu after installing the Rescue file, and i also copied it to my phone’s mass memory, so i hope i’ll be able to use this patch every time when i want to add a new SIM card. I have only one question, before i try to uninstall Theft Aware Launcher from my Installed Apps list - will i be able to install this patch again, or this is patch that can be applied only one time?
Thanks for your answer.
Symbian Belle and Anna aren’t supported by Theft Aware. We discontinued the development before they were released. Sorry.
After installing theft aware n some setting made on it, i could open my setting at my phone…how to solve it…
Hello Tecumseh, how do i get this rescue patch bcos i’m also unable to acces the anti theft on my e7 belle. My secret code is entered correctly but it wont launch the app. Pls help.