Looks like it is effecting your caps locks key as well - considered shouting.
You would have been better bumping/going to your original topic where essexboy has been helping you as he has been waiting for you to get back to him in that topic.
So far you haven’t got back to your topic, he is waiting on you.
Thank you David,please excuse my frustration.
I could not find my conversations with Essexboy
he has been very helpful,but I lost our posts and could not find them.
Shouting does not work I have tried it.LOL
I am a amateur Photographer retired in Thailand.
I have a Adobe photoshop that I have had for years.I do not need another.
It is only compatible with Windows XP.
So I must Keep XP.
Before Windows stopped Their updates,I asked an Avast tech support agent if I would be protected.
He said Yes I would.
So I purchased Avast Premier.And paid my Fee.
But when I look at "status"It tells me ther is no Firewall.
The tech support told me to uninstall avast with Safe Mode and gave me the instuctions which needed only a click.
Thats when my problems started.
In safe mode my laptop closed down,and I could not get it started.
I had to take it to a computer shop to get my system working.
It cost me £30.
I told the tech support this and he gave me a telephone number in England to ring.
When I rang the number I was put on hold listening to several adverts.
And a voice saying we will be with you shortly.
I stayed on the line untill my money ran out.Another £6.
When I was frustrated with the tech support he gave me a rebate.
So then I had to go back to downloading avast again.
So now I am on 30day trial.
I just want to pay and get what I pay for.
Believe me I have trid so hard.
Then I contacted Essexboy through the forum as you know.
He said he would help me and I had to break off our contact for a day.
When I tried to get bac to him I could not find a way to get back into the post.
I apologise for not being computer clever.
So please understand my frustration,when all I want is a antivirus program on my laptop.
I am sorry for the capitals.
And I do feel like shouting.Wouldn’t you.
I just want to start again
Get avast off.
Buy Avast.Pay.And have an antivirus.
Why is it so hard.
Just one more comment David to help make you understand my frustration
Up untill a couple weeks ago I had Internet Explorer.
Everything I needed was just one click away.
I had desktop icons and just one click gave me a website.
Now I have Google Crome.When I click icons I get pages unresponsive or some other reason the website is unavailable or abox saying Wait or Kill the Pages.What the hell does than mean.
Between Avast and Google my life is now a misery.
Ok I hold my hands up I’m just an old fart who is not clever enough.
It should be easy to find previous topics that you have been involved in using the ‘Show new replies to your posts.’ at the top left of the every page once you have logged in. Or click the Profile button in the Menu bar (big Orange bar at the top of pages), now click the ‘Show posts’ that will show all of your posts, not just ones that have had new posts since your last visit.
Essexboy has replied again in your other topic, offering to remotely connect to your system - If you have teamviewer, a free remote connection software - you can read a little about it here and download it
Not sure what you mean by clicking on icons, it would probably be the same for clicking on links ?
Try opening Chrome browser - I don’t use chrome, so can’t help practically - the add-ons or plugins control, find the Avast Online Security (AOS) and disable it - does that help ?
Their are many silver surfers on the avast forums ;D
Essexboy was helping me get my firewall but just diapeared.I’ve sent several messages but no reply
Can you find out for me what went wrong please
As mentioned in my pm to you Essexboy will be sleeping as it’s early morning in the UK, he should be back in roughly 10 hours.
You have to bear in mind the time difference, it is 1:45am in the UK right now and he will be in bed.