Processes, Processes

Good Day All,

It seems like this is a big issue for some people, however as much as I like the SafeZone Browser, I am not to keen on continuing it’s use. I am a person who likes to keep things trim/low foot print when it comes to my computing.

And As much as I am happy with just the free Avast Anti-Virus, I am Equally dis-appointed now in the processes that I see in my task manager when I start SafeZone browser session.

Just to put things in perspective he are the processes for the 2 browsers that I have been using ( IE 11 and ??? Avast SafeZone ). These examples will be what tasks/processes I can count in task manager, and what it tells me that is running.

And Not that it matters in anyway I did a re boot before each and let desktop idle for approx 2 mins.

Example No.1a Task Manager ( 15 ) that I can count, 59-62 that it tells me, CPU 0-1%, Memory 10%

Opening of IE11

Example No.1b Task Manager ( 19 ) that I can count, 63-65 that it tells me, CPU 0-2%, Memory 12%

******* Re-Boot ******** For Next Browser, see Example 1a Above

Opening of Avast SafeZone

Example No.2b Task Manager ( 36 ) That I can count, 82 that it tells me, CPU 0-7%, Memory 11-13%

The following are the processes that are most of the extras that I can see in my Task Manager. There could be even more but it is for comparison to IE 11

AvastNM.exe *32 (x2)
cmd.exe *32 (x2)
conhost.exe (x2)
SZBrowser.exe *32 (x15)
SZBrowser_crashreporter.exe *32

So what’s with all the processes for a pretty plain looking browser?

Cheers, Sincerely, RKM1

It is just how Chromium works.
It starts a new process for about everything.
Perfectly normal, nothing to worry about.

I show twenty processes for a single instance of the browser with no tabs open. What is Chromium doing that it needs all those processes open? Of course each one takes up RAM as well as CPU time.

You should aks the devolopers of Blink (the succeder of Chromium).
For some reason they believe it works better than having just one process.


it was discussed several times here… Almost half of the processes is Pay mode. Pay mode is prepared for use in the background and takes almost no resources - you can check it in task manager (RAM - working set, no CPU usage). The rest is normal chromium and 2 or 3 processes for integration with avast.

Good message for you is that we are working on better triggering pay mode so there will not be too many processes from the start.

I have created a sticky response to this question, as many people also ask the same. Please refer to