Good Day All,
It seems like this is a big issue for some people, however as much as I like the SafeZone Browser, I am not to keen on continuing it’s use. I am a person who likes to keep things trim/low foot print when it comes to my computing.
And As much as I am happy with just the free Avast Anti-Virus, I am Equally dis-appointed now in the processes that I see in my task manager when I start SafeZone browser session.
Just to put things in perspective he are the processes for the 2 browsers that I have been using ( IE 11 and ??? Avast SafeZone ). These examples will be what tasks/processes I can count in task manager, and what it tells me that is running.
And Not that it matters in anyway I did a re boot before each and let desktop idle for approx 2 mins.
Example No.1a Task Manager ( 15 ) that I can count, 59-62 that it tells me, CPU 0-1%, Memory 10%
Opening of IE11
Example No.1b Task Manager ( 19 ) that I can count, 63-65 that it tells me, CPU 0-2%, Memory 12%
******* Re-Boot ******** For Next Browser, see Example 1a Above
Opening of Avast SafeZone
Example No.2b Task Manager ( 36 ) That I can count, 82 that it tells me, CPU 0-7%, Memory 11-13%
The following are the processes that are most of the extras that I can see in my Task Manager. There could be even more but it is for comparison to IE 11
AvastNM.exe *32 (x2)
cmd.exe *32 (x2)
conhost.exe (x2)
SZBrowser.exe *32 (x15)
SZBrowser_crashreporter.exe *32
So what’s with all the processes for a pretty plain looking browser?
Cheers, Sincerely, RKM1