This is probably not the right place, but I couldn’t find anything…
What exactly counts as using one’s computer for profit? ???
…I want to know so I know whether I can use the home Avast.
This is probably not the right place, but I couldn’t find anything…
What exactly counts as using one’s computer for profit? ???
…I want to know so I know whether I can use the home Avast.
Non-home users.
It means that charity, educational aren’t non-home and are consider commercial.
Profit in home means a computer used not for work, but just for home, non-profit use.
What if someone used the computer, not necessarily for work, but occasionally did work related projects on it, but that was not the primary computer used for work/the computer’s main purpose? Or used their computer to edit an image they made and ended up selling the image?
Profit isn’t mentioned in the the qualification
avast! 4 Home Edition is a full-featured antivirus package designed exclusively for home users and non-commercial use. Both of these conditions should be met! Our company offers the Home Edition free of charge, since, in our opinion, it is possible to avoid global virus spreading by efficient prevention; however, many users are not able to or do not want to pay for antivirus software.
I would have thought if you had to do work related projects at home, you work should provide a laptop, etc. for that purpose of pay for AV protection, after all it is in their best interest to ensure your work is not infected.
Your second example wouldn’t be non-commercial use, I don’t believe there is any percentage or occasional use for work or commercial use, and still qualify. I think it is if used for work or commercial use (any time). I don’t think there is an exception, however neither Tech or I work for Alwil software so you may be best to contact sales @ ‘without the spaces’ and they can give a definitive answer.
There is an article Define commercial in the sense of non-commercial use of avast! Home Edition? in our knowledgebase written by our sales team.
"Commercial", using our definition, would define ANY work done for a commercial aim (money is not the issue, nor is profit so, for instance, non-profit charity work would be commercial in nature.)
The definition of “commercial” is “interested in financial return rather than artistry”, and the definition of “financial” is “of revenue or money matters”, so it looks like the sales team has not really thought through that definition very carefully.
I think the non-profit definition makes more sense, but surely there must the allowance of reasonable use for carrying out tasks arising from one’s employment on a home computer?
"Commercial", using our definition, would define ANY work done for a commercial aim (money is not the issue, nor is profit so, for instance, non-profit charity work would be commercial in nature.)
By that definition even providing support in this forum would be commercial use in that it indirectly supports a commercial venture.
Personally, throughyourempathy, I think if you’re honest enough to be concerned about this then you’re honest enough to make your own determination.
I did not like the ‘commercial’ definition either… too complicated and does not mean the categories of a common user…