Is this a thing? I know I can run a program update task whenever. But in the root level program settings in EAS the options are manual and ask. but in the actual endpoint, auto is an option. is there a way to enable the auto on the endpoints?
Would love to know this esp now with a program update looming
There is a way to enable the Auto Program Updates.
Just add the following Custom INI setting in: Computer Catalog Properties > Custom Ini:
However, I wouldn’t advise you to enable this globally, especially on servers.
This is an Antimalware solution after all and it installs kernel and file system drivers.
I will suggest you to create a separate group called “Computers for Program Update” and set the INI there.
When there is a new program update, just drop computers there and when they upgrade - move them back.
That way, you will have more control over the updates.