program update 4.8

My avast notified me of a program update tow days ok, so I clicked on it and halfway through downloading and installing various files it suddenly said “Error, cannot connect to server” Since then whenever i try and click on the update button, I get the same message. Any ideas whats happening? (strangely enough firefox did exactly the same thing when updating last week and will no longer connect to the web, although IE7 will) I have tried switching the windows firewall off, but makes no odds. Theres no other firewall running.

Strange. Even enabled (what it should be) the Windows Firewall shouldn’t play in this scenario. It does not block outbound connections.
Did you have any other firewall or antivirus in the past in this computer?

Sorted it! I had had zonealarm in the past and although I had removed it, the guts of it in the system32 folder were still there causing mayhem! (an amuzing story getting rid of that if you want it!) Anyway avast updated and firefox works too! Result!

Glad you’ve sorted it out.
Feel free to come back any time you need help or just to change experiences 8)

This latest program update 4.8.1351

Is this the one that will keep going for a bit when Avast 5 is out of Beta eventually?


This or even a newer 4.8 one. They will keep 4.8 updates series a little bit longer than the release of version 5.

When you say a bit longer would you say even through to next year 2010?

Most probably.

Thanks tech, much appreciated.

Excuse me, but how did you get rid of Zone Alarm? I still have it’s folder in my Program Files and can’t get rid of it. In my thread, they suggested getting rid of it too. I’ve even posted on the MBAM forum for help on getting rid of it, but Im not sure how long it’ll take.

Sorry for barging in.


Can I ask what Zone Alarm has to do with this thread?