Prompting for action...

Ok we’re getting ready to purchase an enterprise solution and we’ve decided that we’re going to test avast! So we’re trying to get it all setup to see if we like it. Now the only thing cannot figure out is using the ADMN is where i set my policies, how can i turn off the prompt when a user gets a virus in email. I want to tell all the netclients to simply delete the attachement, and not prompt the end user. I’ll deal with the files later when using the reporting features (which are great btw) the next day.

But i simply want to tell the netclients that when they find a virus, basically remove it (or put it in the chest) and then carry on with its self. Do i need to push it with something special in the .ini file or what. Please help so we can determine if we want to purchse this product.

Also let me clarifiy, i know how to do this at the individual workstation, but then whats the point of ADNM right?

The netclients are by default all preset to NEVER display any virus dialogs (they always take automatic action), but anyway, this is how you’d configure it in the ADNM console.

In the Client Tasks → On-Access Scanning Tasks folder, right-click the on-access task of your choice, and customize the settings on the Virus page of each provider (e.g. “Internet Mail” in your case).

Then make sure the on-access task is assigned to the group of computers of your choice in the Computer Catalog (see its Properties).


ok thanks ;D