it's safe?

Can the site be dangerous? I’m worried about my computer because I accidentally clicked on an ad in my email that opened this site, can just entering such a site cause my computer to be infected without my knowledge? (I have a free version of avast)of course I didn’t enter any of my data

Any link that connects you to the internet, regardless of the source should trigger the Web Shield to check it out.

If it were malicious I would have expected the Web Shield to alert.

bitdefwnder and malewarebytes unfortunately detected that it is a phishing site because my friend checked and it was blocked. I have avast and the site loaded as safe, but I am still afraid that nothing from this site infected my computer. I don’t know who to believe, avast or another antivirus program. Do you have any suggestions?

I have website protection enabled in Avast, is it possible that just by visiting such a website through an ad, some malicious software could be installed? I read about this site and it is indeed a scam because when they send the microsoft 365 product key the account gets blocked after some time because the keys are unauthorized

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Unlikely, As I said the Web Shield would be scanning the web site, if anything were downloaded, not only the Web Shield but the File system Shield would be scanning any content saved and or active on your system.

You could of course report it to Avast:
New location to report both a False Positive and or a False Negative (for File or URL) - Choose Your Sample Submission Type | Avast

Will I get a response if I send a link to avast?

You don’t get a direct response from the Virus Labs team but it should be investigated within 48 hours.

If it is confirms as a False Negative then it would be added to the virus definitions database.

EDIT: You could also check to see what other antivirus/checkers think.
There are sites that can also check a site link and or file upload.

virustotal detected 5 items as malicious or phishing, securi security marked as safe from malware etc.

A link to the VirusTotal results would have been helpful - whilst 5 detections out of 71 is low, but BitDefender, G-Data are usually good.

Note that Avast doesn’t participate on these on-demand scans of URLs - it only does live on-access scans from within the program.

I think I’ll trust Avast and leave it alone, I did a full scan, Avast didn’t detect anything, so I guess I’m safe

Just monitor things for a little time, to ensure things are running as they should.

I just didn’t notice any suspicious behavior, and I entered this site a week ago

If anything that is a good sign, keep looking out for suspect activity.

Don’t forget that you still have the other Avast Shields also working in the background.

But all the time in general? Does this mean that because of this situation with this page I have to observe the behavior?

What is it about if the site is phishing? Does it involve entering sensitive data there or can the computer be infected by simply entering such a phishing site?

No, not forever and a day - since you got this by email, should this or similar email come down again (especially from the previous source) - don’t click links automatically in emails. Hover over the link to see where the link goes.

Phishing is a type of cyber attack that involves sending fraudulent communications that appear to be from a legitimate source. The goal is to steal money, sensitive data, or install malware on the victim’s device.

To do that essentially you would have to enter data, bank details, etc. to enable them to do this.

it wasn’t an e-mail but an advertisement displayed in the outlook application

Well that would certainly be an area of caution.
However my initial information was based on your comment.

I’m worried about my computer because I accidentally clicked on an ad in my email

But since Avast didn’t detect anything, I guess we can sleep soundly, I didn’t notice any strange situations on my computer during this time, unless the virus hides itself so well that no disturbing things can be seen