Found PUA/FusionCore.ME.3 virus/malware on another computer.
Thanks for the help in advance!
Found PUA/FusionCore.ME.3 virus/malware on another computer.
Thanks for the help in advance!
What is KMS doing on your system ?
I needed it to activate something. I shall trow it off,didnt know it was still on here.
[b]PUA[/b]/FusionCore.ME.3 virus/malwareNo, it is not a virus/malware > PUA = Possible Unwanted Aplication
PUA/FusionCore.ME.3 = Avira detection name
If you want help, remove ALL illegal software.
That is including your illegal Windows version.
Install Windows in a legal way, and if you still have problems feel free to ask for help again.
I did all that. Removed KMS and bought W10 pro.
Good, now perform a clean installation of Windows.
I already activated the key. I dont think you can use it twice
Install Windows in a legal way.
If you don’t, we will not help you.
It has an official and legal key. In windows 10 you can just activate your key so it becomes legal
Fine, your choice.
No help for you.
What i am going to do is reset windows. Same as fresh install but get to keep my legal key and not buy a second one
No, it is not the same as a fresh install.
Install Windows from scratch and use the key you have.
so u read every logs right?
why u didnt care when i sent my logs? and need help
Eddy is not on the list of qualified malware removers… Listed in the logs /help guide
Policy is that we do not help people who have a illegal installation of Windows.