CAB files are often used to distribute applications. During installation, the Setup program extracts files from the CAB file and copies them to the appropriate location on the hard disk.
The files that scanned corrupted are those backups in the Restore Utility. Unfortuantely, they cannot be saved so delete them and you should be fine.
Unfortunately I continue to have a problem. I can’t delete manually the above files since I can’t find them in my computer although I used the search tool. Is there any way I could solve my problem or not? My OS is Millennium. Thanks for the help.
Are the files hidden? If you go to Windows Explorer > Tools > Folder options > check to see system folders, hidden files, etc.
Can you boot into safe mode (press F8 while booting) and trying to delete the files in this way?
Disable the disputable feature of Windows ME or XP called SYSTEM RESTORE (to know how to do that refer to Windows help) and restart your computer. All files in folder C:_RESTORE will be deleted. Then you can turn that feature on again, if you wish.
Why? Is it inside of a zip file?
I think this webpage could guide you on ‘deep’ deleting of files:;en-us;315226
Maybe you must run: DEL \.\C:\WINDOWS\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\G1H3G53J\Cult3D_IE_5.3.0.228[1].cab\IECult.dll
It should be an scandisk file. But you can’t open as it is just recovered fragments of files generated by scandisk.
Most probably, in your case, just a virus (infected file).
Can you try to delete as above?
When you say run
DEL \.\C:\WINDOWS\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\G1H3G53J\Cult3D_IE_5.3.0.228[1].cab\IECult.dll
you mean todo the following
Start - Run and then write the above path in the space provided or something else?
Because I did and after that an error window appeared Have done something wrong?
Thanks for your invaluable help
I think you will never find IECult.dll because it is inside the .cab file ‘C:\WINDOWS\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\G1H3G53J\Cult3D_IE_5.3.0.228[1.].cab’
However, you shouldn’t need to delete the IECult.dll, just empty your IE temporary Internet Files (browser cache), that should get rid of the .cab file that contains the iecult.dll file.
Yes, you’re right. But first, follow what David said. It’ll be better.
If you can’t delete the cab file, then open a cmd (DOS) window and write:
DEL \.\C:\WINDOWS\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\G1H3G53J\Cult3D_IE_5.3.0.228[1].cab
DEL “\.\C:\WINDOWS\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\G1H3G53J\Cult3D_IE_5.3.0.228[1].cab”
Thank you so much Technical and DavidR. I have eventually deleted
C:\WINDOWS\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\G1H3G53J\Cult3D_IE_5.3.0.228[1.].cab
Now I have only C:\FILE000D.CHK\FILE000D to delete
I have opened a DOS window and written
DEL “\.\C:\FILE000D.CHK\FILE000D” but I get an answer that it wasn’t deleted
What should I do now?
Thanks for your help
DEL "\\.\C:\FILE000D.CHK\FILE000D" but I get an answer that it wasn't deleted
What should I do now?
The C:\FILE000D.CHK\FILE000D is created when you run check disk (I believe) with a fix option and is a Recovered File Fragments, so it may be viewable with a text editor, but I can’t see why it can’t be deleted. However, I don’t believe it is harmful, just strange.
If you can see the file in the windows explorer, right click on it and select properties, it may show it as read only hidden and archive. If you can reset the attributes to just archive, you may be able to delete it.
I don’t think that using the shortened file00~1 would work without the file extension otherwise I believe it would be looking for a folder.
That also made me think (I know, a bad habit) of my suggestion about the .cab\IECult.dll thing, perhaps this is the same the last part doesn’t exist as it is after a file name and not after a folder name.
So try DEL \.\C:\FILE000D.CHK or DEL “\.\C:\FILE000D.CHK” and see what you get.
I deleted C:\FILE000D.CHK very easily. Now I think I have solved all of my problems.Thanks for your help Technical and DavidR. I have learned so much from this forum
Happy to help, believe it or not I too learned something. Don’t take a path like this literally when it is displays something else after the filename extension, that part is likely to be contained inside the last named file and that should be your target for deletion.