Question about Avast! for U3

Alright so today I got a new 4gb SanDisk Cruzer and Currently its my favorite out of all the Jump drives ive ever had with the ability to run Firefox, Open office and many other programs off of it as well as have storage, and well for protection I installed Avast! for U3 (excellent so far) and have noticed that its only a trial but at the bottom of the update screen it says that it will work after the trial expires it just wont update itself my question is, is it saying that it just wont update itself and that I’ll have to or that it wont update period?




I guess there isn’t much experience of the U3 version in the forums, but it is not different really if you have the Home version and don’t reregister at the end of your existing trial/registration period. You can continue to use the program but you won’t get VPS or program updates, so I guess that you would have the same after the trial period with U3.

So you would need to purchase the license to continue using it and get updates.

alright im going to go with that DavidR I was wondering because it didn’t really make it that clear to me that is.

Any updates on this, yet?
Are you able to continue using it for free and update the definitions manually after the 60 days?

All my computers are protected, but with confiker, downadup, et al, spreading mainly via USB drives, I’m wary of plugging my cruzer micros even into the local library’s PCs without some kind of protection on them.


No, of course not.
As with any other avast! editions - after the license expires, it’s not possible to update the virus definitions (or program itself), no matter if automatically or manually.