Question about board setup


Can’t remember if this was ever brought up before, and if it was then my apologies, I sure don’t remember the answer.

Is there a setup option here (via mods/admins, doesn’t seem to be available to us “ordinary” members) that when you hit “Mark as read” in a forum listing of topics, you get moved back up one level or to the forum “home”, the same as most other boards operate?

Normally Mark as Read means you’re done with that forum for now and want to move on to others. With the current setup, you stay in the same forum but with the “new” flags updated.

Possibly YaBB doesn’t support what I mean (assuming you understand what I mean)? Or perhaps there’s been feedback from others that they’d like to keep things as they are?

Thanks and best,

Mike, I can’t do that for you… :cry:
Maybe a real administrator/moderator ;D

It’s a good idea indeed :wink:

I usually use the Jump to function at the bottom of the page.
I know that’s not exactly what your referring to.

Rumour is that the board is gonna change when 4.5 is released. Don’t know if it is just the layout or also the software.

Hey Mike,
It’s radicalb21. I believe its not available in YABBSE but it is available in SMF. SMF is the evolved form of YABBSE which is currently at version 1.0 RC1. I know it is a function for admins and moderators on my forum. Please check out my forum. Here is the url:

I hope this helps.

Eddy, I think not… I posted this but someone from Alwil said not :-\

I’m 100% sure someone from Alwill mentioned something like this in a thread here. Personally I think at least the colors should change. New look for Avast (standard skin), new look for the board. This blue is SO SO SO standard on the boards.