Question about BP and BPP


I was wondering if Business Protection Plus was required for an SBS Server Network. A customer already has his e-mail protected, so will the normal Business Protection work on SBS Servers as well?

Either edition should work fine on the specified env.



Ok thanks a lot.

I also found another problem. When on a distributed client version, if you go into the settings, the program asks for a password. Is this password the same as the one which is entered during the installation of the Console? Because one of our customers says he cannot enter the setings of client computers with that password. Or is there a way to disable it maybe?

Haven’t tried the new version yet, but for installation of clients, you’ll be using your domain administrator credentials to push the product out. That could be a completely different password than what your Avast console uses.

Wait, I totally mis-read that question. If the client is asking for a password when a user tries to open avast on their computer, there is a control password. I know where it is on ADNM, but haven’t the slightest on ABP er ABC er whatever it is yet.

you speak about SBS
Typically Exchange runs on the same SBS machine.

You say that Exchange is already protected, do you mean you have a virusscanner running on that machine already?
that COULD possibly run into problems…

I don’t know how the customer has protected his e-mail, but he didn’t want the e-mailprotection from Business Protection Plus, so I was wondering if the normal BP also worked.

that should work really

SBS is afterall just a Windows server. BPP protects mailboxes/sharepoint too BP doesnt.

i have no experience with the SBS license of Avast 4.8 but i believe that a license for SBS was nothing more then the server protection + exchange + sharepoint + client licenses.

That’s correct.

Microsoft SBS 2008 Premium and SBS 2011 Premium includes TWO Windows Server Licenses (the second server is used to install SQL).

Avast SBS Suite only includes a license for ONE Windows Server.

Therefore, don’t get caught out by this if you are running SBS Premium Edition - as an addition Avast server license will bump up the costs significantly.
