question about firewall- "unavailable in free"

Good advice but 3rd party firewalls are not meant to protect banking sites. Online Armor does have a banking mode I do believe. But it will give you tons of pop ups even after “leaning mode”.

That is utter nonsense.

You only get a pop up on a fresh install and you allow all your safe apps and then the comodo firewall is silent.
If a trojan gets on your system with windows firewall then it will be allowed to download more malware and setting up the windows firewall is a right pain.


Sorry to burst your bubble but that is not true. I have used everyone out there. Firewalls are not meant to stop trojans. That is the job of your antivirus. And when Windows 7 properly configured its stronger then any 3rd party firewall WITHOUT using more system resources. Setting up Windows 7 firewall is fairly easy if you follow the right guides.

Dumb question- how do I know if I have a router? I guess I don’t really know what a router is… at the risk of sounding really clueless I bet :slight_smile:

When I open my Windows 7 Firewall, it says “Windows firewall is on” in at least 3 different spots (Domain, Private and Public Profiles). I’m not sure how much protection this firewall is providing me at the moment.

I’m probably going to go with Comodo. I don’t mind the occasional pop-ups, as long as they don’t mess up my performance drastically, or in other words, if they only freeze my computer for a few seconds at a time during an update or whatever. I expect a little lag time then.

As for my banking issues, well I’m only on my banking site for no more than 5-10 minutes a day unless I have a problem (related to banking) and then log out when I’m done. I’m just hoping -even though I have avast! and Malware Anti-virus- that nobody is able to view the material on my banking account page while I’m logged in.

If you are unsure if your behind a router then Comodo or any other 3rd party firewall is not for you. Are you using a laptop or desktop? Are you wireslessly connected or hardwired? Does your modem plug into your computer or through another device such as a router. If your at home the select “home”.

To lessen the number of pop-ups in CFW set both the HIPS and firewall to “training mode” for a few days.
I’ve done this and haven’t seen a pop-up in quite some time.

I’d hold off on getting CFW for a while, they are working on a new version with a lot of bug fixes. :slight_smile:

I would imagine the public setting would be more appropriate and more secure.
I would suggest using CFW 5.10 or 5.12.they are stable enough and ive used 5.12 for ages with no problems.
By default windows firewall allows all outbound and a malware can phone home to its heart content if one gets by your defenses.

Incorrect…If your home that means “home”. If your in a public wifi then use “public”. Its that easy. First of all malware has to get by your antivirus first. If you distrust Avast so much and think it will miss malware calling home then why use Avast? The chances of malware calling home are slim to none. Out bound protect is mainly for paranoid users who want granular control over there OS. Mr. Jackson does not even know what a router is. Do you honestly think he can handle a Comodo alert stating “svchost.exe wants to connect. Do you want to allow or block it?”. Or xyz.exe is accessing a protected registry key. Do you want to allow or block it. Comodo is a very powerful firewall but only in the hands of a knowledgeable pc user. In the beginners hands is can render a system unbootable.

I agree with you Arnold72 :slight_smile: (I believe you were referring to the windows firewall in this context).
This quote is from the windows help files:

Choose Public network for networks in public places (such as coffee shops or airports). This location is designed to keep your computer from being visible to other computers around you and to help protect your computer from any malicious software from the Internet. HomeGroup is not available on public networks, and network discovery is turned off. You should also choose this option if you're connected directly to the Internet without using a router, or if you have a mobile broadband connection.


If you know you won’t need to share files or printers, the safest choice is public network.

Yes that is what i meant thanks.
I use the public setting all the time even when at home.

The only reason you use public network is cause there is no password in the WiFi. Your sharing it with all others in the area such as a coffee shop. When your at home connected to a router with a password the only pc’s connected to that network our ones in your home. Hence “Home”.


Argue that with Microsoft then.

I realize this is avast! and not Malware Anti-virus, but why did a message say “Successfully blocked access to a potentially malicious website?” while I was submitting a review to amazon?

What is “malware anti-virus”? Did Avast give you that alert?


  • If you know you won’t need to share files or printers, the safest choice is public network.[/b]

I meant Malwarebytes Anti-malware, and they just sent me another one of those messages while I was on amazon submitting comments to a friend. I don’t think avast! has control over this portion of my Windows 7 and it’s entirely a Malwarebytes Anti-malware thing, but I could be wrong.

this may explain why you see those popups from Malwarebytes

Oh, the Sites You Will Never See

Your using MalwareBytesAntiMalware Pro which has IP blocking.

Oh, okay. That link provided all the information I was looking for (and then some). Amazon is probably the site I frequent the most, so it’s incredibly important that I have no problems whatsoever with that site. One more quick question.

I was on facebook and suddenly after 45 minutes, a message appeared that said my account had been suspended and I had to do a question and answer thing that involved identifying my friends by way of pictures. A picture of one of my friends would appear on screen and the multiple choice question asked “Who is this person?” It was VERY bizarre. When I finally got back on (after being forced to provide a new password) one of my friends is convinced I was hacked. It makes me think avast! or Malwarebytes missed something criticial and that someone was trying to break into my account and retrieve personal information. Any idea what happened? I’ve been using facebook for 4 years without a single issue.