Question about forum policy

Hi all,

“General Topics” started out as – and is still described as – discussions etc. relating to operation and use of the boards here.

Is it agreed – including, of course, by the Alwil team – that this forum has properly “expanded” to take over computer-related topics (as opposed to just-plain-social stuff) from the former Off-Topic forum? Specifically, computer topics unrelated to avast?

There’s a few topics I’d like to start, but I’m not sure if they fit properly here. Perhaps renaming this forum would help, or maybe cut it back down to its original purpose and start a new forum for “misc. computer” matters?

Best to all,

Hi MikeBCda,

Well part of the off-topic folks, me included, now dwell at madam Emmas Tent. Well there we missed the General and there it is called “All things technical”. Well I can live with a term like “All things technical related to security”, because the general in my vision has all the threads and postings that add to the security the Avast program(s) bring. I think this is quite simple to put it in a couple of words,

