Question about HIPS

Hello. Why HIPS Avast does not include the user to add the program to the exceptions? This system does not imply an “exception.” But there are false positives, when does not help even the lowest level of sensitivity. What to do then? Disabling HIPS?

Have you sent this file to avast for analysis as an FP - you can send from the virus chest or from a support ticket.

If you have the HIPS set at the first level of the three, my understanding was that this meant it was off, so strange that it is still operating. We had some discussions about this in the forums asking for a description of the levels.

You could try adding the fill path to the file or files to the avastUI > Settings > General > Exclusions - File Paths.

Adding a file to the Exclusions of antivirus does not work, because in that case, the file will not be processed by a antivirus-scanner or a specific module (but not the HIPS module).
Really, it is unclear what is meant by each level of sensitivity HIPS. Sorry, but I can not understand how the processing of the file in the virus laboratory affect the activities of HIPS? After all, the laboratory may only add to the virus signature database or deleted from the database and HIPS - it’s not a signature module. It is a behavioral unit against unknown threats.

After all, the laboratory may only add to the virus signature database or deleted from the database and HIPS
Wrong. The file (or rather how it works) can help to improve the HIPS module.

For example.
Adding Exceptions to the antivirus does not work

Really? Sorry. I do not know about it.

The question is why there is no way to manually add a program to the Exceptions HIPS, such as it is implemented in the antivirus Comodo?

It would be more helpful if you were to post images of the HIPS False Positives you talk about as the global exclusions should work in all scans.

We as users can’t really say why there is no exclusion in the HIPS, possibly for the same reason there is no direct exclusion in the other shields, to avoid accidental exclusion. Avast has taken the view that exclusions should be a deliberate act not a single click option.

That file is FP is EasyTune this is a gigabyte motherboard overclocking utility software.