Hello! I see that the off-topic area of the forum is closed so why keep the area on the avast forum??
It’s part of the archive.
yeah they don’t delete it because some people would see their post count seriously decrease ;D (as reported by some of those who posted there )
So what and who care about their post count seriously been decrease if they get rid of the off-topic forum area because it been dead closed for 5 years, and beside I don’t think Avast will ever reopen it for a second chance when I joined back in January 2004 and I’ve used the off-topic for at least 6 months than they slam the door since their was a civil war going when I remembered in past and than they closed it.
So what and who care about their post count seriously been decrease if they get rid of the off-topic forum area whoopee doo daa :o
So what and who care about their post count seriously been decrease if they get rid of the off-topic forum area
again someone, no need to name him, someone who’s been posting there, mentioned that ;D
Gimme a big kiss Logos ;D
Reopening it is another alternative. ;D
Post count ??? Who cares.
I was just looking at some old posts and i saw that you posted in there when you were a member ;D
He is still an avast forums member ;D there was no separate membership for that forum.
I’ve been a member since 2004 and think I’m still one. ;D