I noticed there is a free virus worm cleaner available to download.
Is this a program that I would run weekly like the anti-virus, or do I run the worm cleaner only if Avast Anti-virus detects a problem?
I noticed there is a free virus worm cleaner available to download.
Is this a program that I would run weekly like the anti-virus, or do I run the worm cleaner only if Avast Anti-virus detects a problem?
It was a viruscleaner made for cleaning a limited number of virus (worms). I think the last update was in 2007 …!..?
Use Malwarebytes and superantispyware as extra scanners
I’ve have Malwarebytes installed.
For the avast cleaner, 2007 is very old, I wonder why they are not updating it more frequently?
In a way they are, bc avast antivirus is doing the same job…if there was a need for it i guess they would have done it… ???