Question about virus registry

Hi, my name is Ivan and i’m italian. 8)
I have a question for you: ???
yesterday I download the trial of avast 4.0 home edition from my friend’s computer because i haven’t internet. :-[
Now, I can download a file with datasheet of virus to update my antivirus without internet ??? ???
Thanks you for the answers…
and exscuse me for my bad English :-\

Hello Ivan,
Someone must download the VPS (virus database updater) for you everytime there is an update, from here:
Make shure you have program version 4.6.665 installed. If not, tell your friend to download the newest version for you.
Take care :slight_smile:

I know floppy disks is history, but… avast should have vpsupd.exe in way as Norton has - update file fits to several floppy disks, as vps update file is big. It’s just a suggestion, as have some friends without internet with avast home (recommended by me) and I’m writing this file to CD everytime.

Good suggestion indeed… I follow this.
Maybe two ways of download: many splitted files for floppies and one (full) for pen driver or CD 8)