Question on APP Control

Been using Avast for several years, but recently starting to review my other options. Primary reason for this is new understanding as to how some apps on my phone are “leaking data” and realizing that I appear to have no ability to detect who are the culprits and what the are leaking. I recently heard of an app that was gaining some traction a while ago “MobileScope”. Apparently it did (or planned to do) exactly what I am looking for. The installed app collected data as to which apps were uploading data and tracking the amount of data. It also tracked tracked “and blocked” when an unauthorized app attempted to upload information that the user had identified as personal; email address, phone number, address book, etc. All of this information was available in the user’s account at the MobileScope website. Sadly, there is no sign of the app in Google Play and the link ( appears to be down. Last I heard of it, Evidon, owners of “Ghostery” announced plans to buy it and it looks as though they’ve corrupted it into something else.

Anywho, long way around to get to, I would like it very much if Avast could implement something similar. I would pay for it. maybe quite a bit.

Any thoughts?

Hi, that is actually a very interesting idea, thanks for it. I will forward it to the team to consider it.