Questions about Avast for Business

Hello everybody,

I am very interesting in deploying Avast for business in my company but before I have some questions. Before making my boss pay, I need to be sure that it is the perfect solution for us and then if it is, start a free trial.
I am new in my company and so far I could see that some people have Avast Pro Antivirus and others have the free version (Maybe others have different paid versions of Avast, I’m not sure yet).
We’ve got around 40 PC & Mac

My questions:

When deploying Avast for business, will it uninstall everything and then loose the current licences? Do I have to wait they expire to include them to AfB ?
About pricing, I saw here ( some information but it is still not clear. You can add just Firewall / Spam for (how much in $/€?) to your Business Endpoint Security ?

Thank you very much !

Bonjour tout le monde,

Je suis très intéressé pour déployer Avast For Business là où je travaille mais j’ai quelques questions. Avant de faire payer mon patron, je veux juste être sûr de bien comprendre pour après faire un essai gratuit.
Je suis nouveau dans mon entreprise et j’ai pu voir que certains ont Avast Pro Antivirus, d’autres la version gratuite (Et sûrement d’autres versions payantes mais je n’ai pas encore eu le temps de voir tout le parc)
On a environ 40 PC & Mac

Mes questions :

Lorsque je vais déployer Avast for Business, est–ce que ça va désinstaller toute version d’Avast et donc perdre mes licences ? Dois-je attendre qu’elles expirent pour les inclure à AfB ?
Concernant le prix, j’ai trouvé ça ( mais ce n’est pas très clair. Est-il possible d’ajouter juste le Firewall /Spam (Pour combien ?) sur une licence Business Endpoint Security ?

Merci beaucoup !

Why not let the admin handle things like this ?

Because I am the new admin :wink:

Please :slight_smile:

Info & FAQ:

Just contact one of your reseller from your country, they will be able to offer you all the info you need.

Your local reseller is best for pricing in your area. If you have an existing license for Endpoint Suite or similar, they can do a cross-upgrade discount for you on the license price.

If your clients are running an existing version of Avast, the AfB client will remove/upgrade it. If its another vendor then yes remove their client first.