why would you allow a remote connection in the first place ??? especially when you know in advance the guy is a hacker…or is it that you’re looking for tips about how to hack other people’s systems, which I’m seriously wondering to be honest ;D
Trojans Don’t Exist
I mean Stupid me leaving my Computer wideopen for hacking , Silly me
Trojans don’t Exist the internet is clean their is no such software that can change my settings to make the hacker able to get to me , So the only way the hacker can get to me if I Let Him no such a Tricky Program can Let him do that.
Silly me , Thx mr. should have known that no such Trojan Programs on the computer…
if I was a hacker i would go to hacker’s forum.
I am worried about files being stolen
Lets imagine you your files are stolen pictures of you possibility that they were stolen
you would be like “I will format my computer!!! that way the pictures of me that are stolen won’t be posted on porn sites its like formatting the internetz!”
I don’t even know how to hack so please.
No need to test the Trojans that were sent to me
their was an Exploit thingy PDF Sent to me that Opened my Computer into acess
some thing called telephony service…etc were activated
and SSL Service just now. help appreciated.
EDIT: This is a new hacker i don’t know what he wants
Telepohny , SSL…Etc Service Started by a Trojan that Expoilts Security.
Remote access services opened too… firewall keep turned off some times … some one remotely changing registery on my computer
hmm..........i did say chapter 11.. ;)
and after asking about the same topic so many times, it should give you an idea that there is none in this forum that can give you the answer you want, sorry
Lets imagine you your files are stolen pictures of you possibility that they were stolen
you would be like "I will format my computer!!! that way the pictures of me that are stolen won't be posted on porn sites its like formatting the internetz!"
You can't be serious.
Once the files are in someone else s possession, formatting your computer won't affect whether they are posted on a porn site or not. That bird has flown. The horse has bolted. It's toooo late.
Lets face it: you're a porn star early in your life.
Don't keep un-encrypted personal files on your computer. (Did I say that already, back at chapter 8 or something?)
Scan, I thought a second yesterday that you could be a hacker yourself but it’s not that: the sort of help you need is not related to computer security; there are appropriate places and persons to talk to, certainly not the forums here. Hard to write the way I do and expect not to hurt, I hope I don’t. Get some help man, that’s all I can say.
you should re-read my post above before pretending to be in a position to make fun of anyone Scan…the title of your thread says it all “Questions in mind”…you’re just spamming the forums with your fantasies…or may be you’re just bored and you’re looking for some sort of excitement with posting threads and get posters here recognize your existence. Good news Scan: you exist, now do something with it.
Anybody reading your posts would think you’re crazy. May be you’re not completely crazy, may be you’re just playing some sort of sick game…don’t know why the moderation lets go but you’re lucky I tell you. You would have been perma-banned almost anywhere else for this.
ps: as to pics of you being posted on some porn sites, you’ve mentioned that before remember ;D …in another thread filled with your deliriums, already wanted to make fun of someone else then?
I can’t wait until you get the same problem as me and i can’t wait until I Flame you and Say you are playing a sick game
when you have pictures in your computer and you were hacked you would ask the same question just imagine if you were on my position what would you do troll?