Just thought I’d do a quick scan today with Avast and for the first time ever Avast scanning doesnt seem to work as expected. It seems to not go past; SCV: WudfRd > C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\wudfrd.sys
I tried a few scans and before it did that it would appear to complete the scan under 2 minutes. I noticed there was no log of the scan.
Looks like something gone wrong with it.
Hopes for an update soon.
Edit: Ok I rebooted the computer, and hit a quick scan again. It started off ok, then seemed to hold on another process and then after 1 minute 5 seconds it scan complete no threats found.
Internal storage is what is causing the problem here. wudfrd.sys came with Windows Vista and the why of all this is being described here: http://superuser.com/questions/442299/why-is-wudfrd-sys-causing-windows-7-to-resume-slowly (credits for the reply there go to Tom Wijsman)
I do not experience any scan problems on my Vista with 500 MB scanned in 0:00:30 with a scan speed of 5 MB per sec, 1,5 GB in 0:04:50
I’m actually using WinXP SP3 … so I’m not sure why it seems to be stuck on that file. It sometimes gets stuck on another process too. the SVC phase of the scanning.
The scan sometimes completes about a minute or 2, and says “Scan complete, no errors found” i.e. something like that.
There is no log produced for that scan either.
I have ran a scan of malwarebytes and that scans good. No malware is detected.
While the updates seem to work still, the actual scanning element of the program seems broken. I’ve never had this kinda problem before in all the time I’ve used Avast.