R.I.P. Megaupload.com

Megaupload is officially down :cry:
Megaupload shutdown angers Anonymous.

Really sad,who’s next?Mediafire?It seems that internet is collapsing.

Already in the Security Warnings and Notices topic:

So much for needing that SOPA anti-piracy bill thing being needed for the FBI to shutdown operators with piracy crimes.

The FBI doesn’t need that bill.
Hollywood (RIAA etc)does to make it easier for them. :frowning:

That is what I mean if there are laws in place then they should be forced to use existing laws (use those to report them to the FBI, etc.), rather than introduce more draconian measures.

Feels like lines in the sand are beginning to be drawn.

Unfortunately, the FBI is king when it comes to draconian measures…and publicity-driven arrests, using tactics they KNOW will later get things thrown out of court, just so the guy in charge of the investigation can get his name out there and move up the ladder.

That Kim Dotcom guy, though…he was a tad too cocky, too often. Mansions, planes, yachts, and multiple chest-augmented women, in different countries all over the world…he became wealthy beyond many of our concepts of the word, and that wealth did not come without expense to anyone else. And he flaunted it.

Well everyone arrested (one Dutchman in New-Zealand has been arrested) may have to reckon with 55 years inprisonment for the total of 5 charges brought against them (6 individuals accused). The message seems clear here: “Do not do the crime if you cannot do the time”.



Or at least, “If you are going to do the crime, stay in a non-extradition country, like a sensible criminal” :wink:

Well, sooner or later, with SOPA or PIPA or any other rules, it’s unavoidable that people try to cut piracy.

Some more information and repercussions to the arrests made:

Also see:

All the links ever hosted at MegaUpload are broken now. :cry:

All the links ever hosted at MegaUpload are broken now.
An obvious effect when any site is shut down.

No different with the links I posted to programs and other things
on MySharedFiles which is no longer available. ( I stopped running my PC 24/7/365 )


Perhaps Usenet will be next…

I had some files on my computer on Megaupload for backup… ::slight_smile: anyways R.I.P Megaupload

Usenet is (quite) dead for years anyway. :wink:

Some of my friends use it actually. They pay for it monthly.
I know: Paying for it doesn’t make it legal. But they think so, because they just download files (not upload).

And sorry: Usenext is that, what I mean… :stuck_out_tongue:

  1. They pay for Usenet…??? Strange.
  2. Well, just another rip off, imo.

Thex pay for Usenext… ;D

But I know, what you mean! :wink:

Are file-sharing sites’ days numbered?

Check out the video.

I don’t think mediafire will get shutdown anytime soon… I hope not at least… :cry:

Well it rather depends on what is being shared and the intent, were sharing of copyrighted media was just one side of it. The charges went much further than just that and I rather think that those charges were the reason for the shut down.