Hello everyone,

I have been getting random BSODs lately. It is getting very annoying. I would be running an program, like say Firefox, then my system would just crash and a BSOD would appear. Many of the parameters stated in the BSODs have 0x000000c5 or 0x100000c5.

I reformatted my hard drive just last week, and after a week or so, random BSODs would start to appear. I had three from the time I reformatted my HD. Two of them (as stated in Event Log) stated that my system rebooted from a bug check, so I have no idea what error it is. One of them stated a BAD POOL CALLER or something similar.

So the problem is, how to I prevent these from happening. It occur to me, that it only happens when I am running a program that uses the internet, like say Firefox or Maxthon. It wouldn’t cause a BSOD immediately but somewhere as I am using the program. But it wouldn’t happen if I am running Firefox, but using iTunes. But when I switch from iTunes to Firefox, then after a while when I am still running Firefox, BSOD!

Of the three BSODs I had so far, the programs I remember using when they happen where: Firefox, Maxthon, AIM, and Dreamweaver. All which have something to do with the internet, so my best guess is, that it has something to do with it. When using programs like: MS Word, in computer games, iTunes, etc. it doesn’t seem to crash.

So could it be these programs? Could it be drivers? Could it also be a faulty memory stick? I only have one memory stick (512MB one). I checked the memory with PC Doctor (an application preloaded with my machine when I bought it, that helps diagnose problems with some system hardware) and my memory passed the test. So could it be a memory fault, or is PC doctor just not good enough?

I really need solutions and answers. Not only is it my PC i am using now, but my other PC as well. Exact same thing happens. The two PCs has almost the same programs installed, kinda like a duplicate. However, the other PC is new, and bought within 6 months. My PC, that I am using now, is about 2 years.

My system specifications:
Windows XP Home SP2
Intel Pentium 4 at 2.53GHZ
512MB RAM (1 stick)
Intel 82845G/GL/GE/PE/GV Graphics controller
2WIRE Homeportal Router
avast! antivirus
…if you need more, don’t hesitate to ask…

Sorry for the long post. I just have to figure out what is causing the BSODs and I figure the best place is to ask the good folks at avast! forum. If there is any more information needed please ask. Thanks in advance!

P.S. Just so it won’t waste any time, I don’t really need information about STOP errors and such. I know how to find information about those.

Looking at your sig, you got the latest version of Zone Alarm, try removing your latest Zone Alarm (you should also reboot as well) and install this early version:

Click here to download

I’ve recieved a BSOD when I surf the web with Firefox as well, found out that it was the problem from latest version of Zone Alarm. I’m curious on how long you had the latest version on your PC before the BSOD occurd. For now, try to do what I posted above and see if it works. :slight_smile:

Of the three BSODs I had so far, the programs I remember suing when they happen where: Firefox, Maxthon, AIM, and Dreamweaver.

Whoah you try to sue them cause you recieved the BSOD on your PC? Isn’t that a bit extreme? :-\ :o

Looking at your sig, you got the latest version of Zone Alarm, try removing your latest Zone Alarm (you should also reboot as well) and install this early version:

Thanks Turkey, I would give it a try. I would try to stay on the internet for a prolong period of time to test it out.

I'm curious on how long you had the latest version on your PC before the BSOD occurd.

I’m not sure. I also had the lastest version of ZA on my other computer as well.

Whoah you try to sue them cause you recieved the BSOD on your PC? Isn't that a bit extreme? Undecided Shocked
LOL. ;D Whoops. :o Typo. ;D I never even saw that myself, you are very observant.

Thanks again.

Hello XtremeKirby,

Just wanted to say, I’m having the same problem as you. I’ve even reformated my system a week ago to get rid of BSOD, but seems the problem remains, as time to time I get BSOD when surfing the net, and it’s not Firefox fault. What’s for sure. It happens for me with Firefox, with IE and with Opera. It may be ZA, as my system is “clean” after reinstallation, but I have the same thing… :-\

I’ve been running ZA 6.0.667.0 Pro without a problem I have read that the free version does have quite

a few problems.When I first installed the latest version of ZA I turned off all privacy settings as they have

been causing issues for some user for a long time now. Try turning these off to see if it makes any

difference. If you think about it you probably have other programs on your system that deal with

Cookie Control> Ad Blocking > and Mobile code control that could be causing an adverse impact on your

system after all how many programs do you need to deal with these issues. Most browser these days

deal with cookies Mobile code and Ad Blocking. Just a thought ???

Hm… The moment I opened Firefox, my system crashed. Wierd… I was on the system for like about 20 minutes without any crashes, but the moment I opened an internet program, BSOD! And Zonealarm wasn’t even on! I turned it off too.

I decided to reinstall my ADSL router. My cousin, who had a similar problem before, using the exact same brand router that I have. My main system is connected the main router via an Ethernet port. My other computer is connected to the router via a wireless ethernet client. I would see if uninstalling them both and reinstall fresh would solve the BSOD problem.

@ p3t3rb0nn,
I don’t think I have any adblocking or cookie control program other than the built in adblock in Firefox. I turned off the privacy settings in ZA when it started conlficting with Webshield, so I had the adblocker and cookie control thing gone for a while, but the BSOD still happens.

Well I would get back to see if it was the router that was causing the trouble.

Thanks all.

P.S. This is actually off topic but… does anyone know how to operate an external harddrive? I have a Maxtor external HD and it has an external power source and connects via USB. I was wondering the safest way to disconnect it from my computer? I tried disconnecting it via Safely Remove Hardware, but it said the device is currently in use, please try again later… So, instead I shutdown my computer, then disconnect the USB. Then I would disconnect the power source. Is this safe? The power light is still on when I disconnect the power source, but the busy light isn’t on though. So is it safe to do what I did, or is their a better way to do it?

XtremeKirby, sometimes it’s not enough just disable the firewall like you’ve done.
System crashes because of drivers, Windows Registry, conflicts.
Maybe it’s time to change for Kerio or Outpost (free). Maybe just uninstall and go back to version 5.5
After having a lot of problems like this one I NEVER install an update of the firewall without having the good old one setup file in a backup folder 8)

Or use link that I provided above to get the latest early version before the latest version. :slight_smile:

Oh… so my problem might not be fixed yet? :-\ Hm…? After reinstalling the router, it seems to be okay on both systems. So far no slow downs or BSODS. But on the other hand, what can you actually test with an hour of activity? ???

Maybe it's time to change for Kerio or Outpost (free). Maybe just uninstall and go back to version 5.5
I'll wait for another BSOD to come up. If it does then, I would try to use the older 5.5 version Turkey gave me. I'm one of those people that like to keep stuff updated. LOL. (I got the older version downloaded to my system and its ready to go whenever I need it! ;) )

Thanks again,

I'm one of those people that like to keep stuff updated. LOL.

Me too, but sometimes its best if you down’t upgrade it just yet. The version you just downloaded from the link I posted is version 6.0.631.003 which was the last ver 6 of Zone Alarm before the new version gave me the BSOD. 6.0.631.003 in my PC seems perfectly fine, you shouldn’t get any problems from that version. :slight_smile:

Howdy XtremeKirby,

Bill Gates encountered the BSOD himself when demonstrating Win98, so it is a random and common thing. Sometimes it can be a structural thing, programs conflicting, driver problems: the dibeng.dll problem was a renowned one.
If it has to do with accessing illegal memory of the kernel it could be a forebode of hardware problems. About other things we can read here:
http://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000224.htm. Clean out the crap in your computer definitely helps, If bad memory is yer hick-up use these free programs:


I used to get a lot of BSOD’s on my Compaq until I went to the website and downloaded a lot of updates. Some were drivers and some were to flush the BIOS (whatever that means!?) I hardly ever get them now. Try your computer manufacturer’s website, if they have one.

some were to flush the BIOS (whatever that means!?)
I think that is meant to be flash the BIOS to update it to the latest BIOS.

Try searching for the Stop error code in google, that is what I did when I got what appeared to be random BSODs and you may find that they aren’t so random. I still get the occasionally get stop 0X0000008e and afterwards it usualy generates others on reboot 00000007e.

This forum link helped me to narrow it down to probably poor memory http://www.annoyances.org/exec/forum/winxp/t1031315908

I have two sticks of mixed origin a 512MB and a 256MB stick. The only common denominator was the greatest majority had two memory sticks and XP, as the processors and video cards differed but tended to be AMD and Nvidia graphic chips.

This may well not be the same stop error/s as yours but that web site annoyances.org is likely to cover many others.

Flish, Flash, Floosh, Flush whatever.

Hey, what a coincidence! Both of my computers are Compaqs! Its seems like I have most of the necessary driver updates, including the BIOS update.

I also checked by system with PC Doctor, the utility that was built in to my computer. It checks the system for hardware issues. I checked the Memory Module, and the program said my memory stick is fine, all the tests pass. (I only have one 512mb stick BTW)

BSODs are annoying. When I leave my desk wth my computer on and come back down the hall and see a blue reflection on the door, right away it must be a BSOD. I don’t like the color blue anymore… :cry:

My cousin once had random BSODs as well. Both of his computers where connected the same way as I did, with the main router installed on one computer, and a Wireless transmitter on the other. Well, one day, he just decided to unplug the Wireless Transmitter and guess what? The computer with the main router started getting random restarts as soon as his computer turns on. The other computer was already crashing every 30 minutes, so he totally reformatted both computers and started fresh, and seemed like the BSODs never occured again, as far as I know.

Therefore, it seemed like both of my computers are being stable. So crashes so far. Already on for an hour and nothing. Usually when I am on firefox for this long, it would just crash. I cross my fingers and hope it solves the problem. 8)

Thanks for everything you guys.
@polonus and DavidR: I am going to bookmark those pages you gave me, as it would come in handy someday. Thanks!

Oh great, after I thought my computer won’t crash anymore it just did while using Firefox. :cry:

So I guess it isn’t my Router’s fault after all, but something else… Then it could have been Zonealarm as Turkey mentioned. I was browsing Devianart.com for a while and it just crashed suddenly. Could it be that the high amount of image downloads caused Zonealarm to just give up and crash the entire system? Or could it be my hardware firewall giving up and crashing? It just seemed to me that after the BSOD and my computer restarted, my internet gateway was deactivated for a minute (not the physical hardware, but the tray icon was grayscaled which means the homeportal was deactivated.) But I doubt this would be the problem, because it seemed like this was the first time I saw it deactivated.

Well, my only workaround as of now is using the older version of Zonealarm. Hope it really solves the problem.



Post the full BSOD error message. The only things that can really cause them are drivers, viruses and defective or misconfigured Hardware.

Run through: Diagnose XP Guide and see if you find anything wrong. The diagnostics here are better then PC Doctor.

It’s very strange, but the BSOD has absolutely no STOP error messages nor the 10 digit STOP number. Believe me, I would know the STOP messages (for example: IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL which actually happened to me a long time ago, not the current one) and the STOP numbers like 0x0000000CE or something similar.

But I DID NOT get any of the sort. I was wondering why as well. I don’t remember what the other words said, but I know for sure it has no STOP error messages nor numbers nor does it state the driver causing the problem. Can anyone help me with this? I’m pretty sure a normal BSOD (if it is normal) has STOP numbers and messages, but the ones I currently are having doesn’t have anything. And by the way, there was no error reporting after restarted stating that ‘my computer has recovered from a serious problem’.

Thanks for the link BTW, it looks helpful.


EDIT: I checked the event log, and the event source was a Save Dump. It said: The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x000000c5 (0x00000004, 0x00000002, 0x00000001, 0x805505a1). A dump was saved in: C:\WINDOWS\MEMORY.DMP. I have no idea what this means, an ideas are appreciated.

Can’t you find anything here?

You could search Microsoft Knowleadge Database for 0x0000000CE or 0x000000c5

An attempt occurred to touch invalid memory at a process IRQL that is too high. This is almost always caused by drivers that have corrupted the system pool. If you’ve recently installed any new software, check to see if it’s properly installed; and check for updated drivers on the manufacturer’s web site.

Error Message:
STOP 0x000000C5 DRIVER_CORRUPTED_EXPOOL {KB 291810} Win 2000
Computer May Hang During a Heavy Load with an Ericsson HIS Modem {KB 319810} Win 2000, Win XP

A driver that has corrupted the system pool, eh? I believe it could be a software driver, because I don’t really have much hardware drivers that wasn’t pre-installed into my computer except a few (Flash Drive, MP3 Player, External Harddisk, Webcam, Router, and Camera) I doubt any of these may be causing a problem could they? Like Turkey said earlier that it was Zonealarm causing this problem. Does anyone else have a problem with ZA and BSODs? Or do you believe that my hardware that I listed could be causing a problem? I’m just wondering.
