Re Security Center Continuation

I would like to say that after investing £16 in a program that searches the computer to update drivers. I can now say that drivers I updated cured the problem I was having with Avast not being recognized by the Security Center. I am not sure which driver update did it, but my computer has all new drivers for my programs now and seems to work great. It was a good investment and one that is for life.

If anybody would like the URL for this program click

Sometimes, Windows Security Center stop recognizing your antivirus or firewall… The fix could be fairly easy for the most part.

  1. Go to control panel and open Administrative tools.
  2. Click on services.
  3. Go down to Windows Managament Instrumentation.
  4. Stop this service. Stop Security Center service too.
    Let them to Automatically start.
  5. Exit out of this area to your desktop.
  6. Right click Start and choose Explore.
  7. Go to c:\windows\system32\wbem\repository.
    Delete this subdirectory ONLY. Let the others there.
  8. Exit back to your desktop and reboot your computer (maybe you need to boot twice).

This will rebuild the deleted folder and the database. Once restarted, Windows Security Center should show the correct info and antivirus and firewall should now be recoginized :wink:

Other answers for XP Security Center not detecting antivirus or firewall program could be found here: