[READ FIRST] Regarding Windows 8 BSOD Topics In Avast 7!

Please use the search function if you are getting a BSOD in Windows 8 caused by Avast!'s system drivers! There is now 8 or 9 different topics for the same, exact subject in this board. Don’t make more unless you’ve read through them all and know for sure that your issue is not the same!

Here are a few from just the first two pages alone:


A patch has been made as a temporary solution, which is also meant to help the Avast! team resolve the issue for the next update. Please update to the latest version of Avast! available, and then follow the instructions found here:

(See the one titled “aswnet patch: Patch for aswNet.sys, BlueScreen in NETIO.SYS on Windows8”)

Please turn off Network Shield if you are affected we are working on fix but it’s quite difficult… and your dumps are really welcome!

thank you

No offence, but how exactly did Avast 7 get the Windows 8 compatible badge from Microsoft when it quite clearly isn’t?

How can a product that BSOD’s the system be compatible?

That Windows 8 compatible badge is not a big deal. As far as I know it’s quite easy to get it.

Avast has gone through intensive testing, finished by roughly 8 hour-long tests in Windows Hardware Cerification Kit - WHQL for WFP botch x86 and X64 platforms. Of course with some problems at first, but after a few weeks all were eliminated, these test on top of general stability (tested for all drivers) also test Network specific scenarios such as uninterrupted network streaming a connections in different situations - such as power events, network adapter removal etc., after these test were completed for aswnet.sys driver (and some others), the whole avast7 installation package went through the Application Certification Kit, which also reviled a few things. With successful pass of these test, the application (avast 7) was tested for 10 days in Microsoft labs, until the Logo was granted.

Which all sounds fairly extensive, so how on earth did the BSOD issues and the fact that the Network Shield breaks access to local addresses e.g router config pages get past all these tests?

Hi guys,

we are still trying to come up with some fix for the frequent Win8 crash inside aswnet.sys.

Could you please try the following updated driver and post here if it performs any better?
The link and instructions are here:

It is still possible we didn’t hit the right bug, so if you can, please follow the instruction on the page above and enable extra logging. Any possible dump files will be more usable for us! Thanks a lot.

Edit: please enable Network Shield, if you have previously disabled it as a workaround. Thanks.

Does this only fix the BSOD issues, or does it also fix the issues about accessing local modem/router pages?

Been running over 30 minutes now with this patch on and all shields enabled. Seems to be working great!

Edit: Almost an hour and a half now, and no BSOD. However, Avast! WebRep has started crashing in Chrome since I updated this file. I’m not sure if the two are in any way related, but just throwing this out there in case they are.


They are working on the Chrome web rep issue. For me it is grayed out and with the srajer mail address for account. srajer is an avast team member.
Maybe he is working on the coding of avast web rep?


Ironically I get that on my Windows 8 system which isn’t crashing. This Web Rep crash started for me today on my BSOD-affected Windows 8 system after I installed the above patch to resolve the BSOD’s. That’s why I brought it up here, just in case it was related. :slight_smile:

I haven’t a clue, I am on Vista. And after the latest update web rep only works fine in Firefox…
I think avast is in a heavy testing phase, and we should keep our fingers crossed for all at that job…


I have no crashes on Windows 8 (32 and 64 bit computers)
I have the srajer email issue on the 64 Windows 8 system.
(Didn’t install a patch sine I didn’t have the problem)

I have the patch installed on my 32-Bit system as I mentioned, but I have that Web Rep issue only on my 64-Bit, system as well. I’m beginning to think it may be a version issue. :stuck_out_tongue:

Microsoft changed something in a recent very major Windows 8 update pack, and it’s only with that installed did the issues start. I was probably the first to come across it since I had access to this update before Microsoft officially released it through Windowsupdate or on the download site :slight_smile:

This large update may have caused other issues with network drivers, so definitely upload the dumps where possible! It would be unfair to blame Avast if it is caused by a network driver. For example, I have read on another forum that an Intel network driver is causing BSODS with this update.

It’s possible that the reason why the update causes issues is last minute changes (‘behind the scenes’) n network security. This is just a thought!

That’s actually a great point!

This is definitely not a network driver issue. Build 1466 is working fine, only 1473 and 1474 is affected, and the BSOD is not only the issue.

If your experiencing any BSOD issues with win8 then read Lukor’s post here on a driver patch http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=107886.msg858781#msg858781

I still can’t figure out what systems are affected. Personally, running 32 bit Windows 8 Pro almost for one week and no BSOD caused by avast, so I can’t understand, why some Windows 8 gets blue screen, some not… :slight_smile:

If all Windows 8 system would bluescreen, we would never release it with this kind of bug :slight_smile: