Read recently visited webs with Firefox without being connected to Internet

I could not know how to do that with Firefox.That´s the reason i stiil use Internet Explorer which allows me to read most of the visited pages when i am not connected(though not all of them, and i do not know why; do anybody?)

How to make Firefox accept this feature, and read when unconnected the pages who are in the cache anyway?

Thanks for any help.

Here are a couple of suggestions:
View FireFox’s Cache Easily:
Just a quick tip. If you are running Mozilla Firefox and you want to view your cache just type about:cache in the URL bar and hit enter. You can then search though your cache and retrieve images and files easily.

This may also help:

Thanks Bob, i have downloaded the free MozillaHistoryView from Nirsoft and this can work, but what i am really looking for is being able to click directly in the links of the today (for example) history of Firefox and view and read directly in the browser the pages i visited, once i am not connected.
Firefox does not allow mwe to do that (i get a unable to find server answer and a blank screen).

Thanks anyway.

One of the best I have found to view read etc.
Web content Off Line is:
ScrapBook a Firefox extension, which helps you to save Web pages and manage the collection.
Key features are: lightness, speed, accuracy and multi-language support.
Major features are:
* Save Web page
* Save snippet of Web page
* Save Web site (In-depth Capture)
* Organize the collection in the same way as Bookmarks
* Highlighter, Eraser and various page editing features
* Full text search and quick filtering search
* Text edit feature resembling Opera’s Notes
Scrapbook Firefox Extension Homepage

Thanks a lot Tednelly; it looks like if this was exactlly what i was looking for.

I have downloaded Scrapbook addon and Auto Save addon for Scrapbook.
I have tried to read the recently visited web pages while not connected to the internet and it really works well.I must still have to get more used to Firefox (new to me) and to Scrapbook, but it will do.

I really think that Firefox should add The Auto Save of Scrapbook as a permanent feature of Firefox, such that people with poor or deficient or too expensive Internet Connections can first download the web pages they want and then with much more time view and read them off line without monetary coast.

I´ll try to reach the Firefox team to tell them. (does anybody know where to contact them?)

Thanks, Ted.


Glad Scrapbook works as well for you as it does for me!! :wink: Have a good read of ScrapBook 1.2 (& Add-ons) Tutorial

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Thanks again, ted