Recent Spyware Blaster Issue

Well, to catch those up that don’t know, it was heard that Spware Blaster prevented spyware from being removed from your computer. So, for the last few days, I’ve been offline and testing that statement. I restored some of my quarantined spyware and scanned while Spyware Blaster was active. The antispyware removed it fine, without any problems. It did state about not removing spyware on the web site itself, but I think they meant that the program Spyware Blaster doesn’t remove spyware that’s already on your computer. But I need to know who agrees with me or not, so that I can look into the issue. I mean, I really don’t want the hassle to uninstall Spyware Blaster everytime I want to scan and remove spyware. Thanks all! =)



As far I know, Spyware Blaster never remove Spyware installed in your system, it just prevent some of them to be installed.
It does not need to be disabled nor uninstalled when other spyware application (or removal tool) is running.

while you’re online right now, I have two questions:

1)Will my antispyware remove spyware finely even if Spyware Blaster is installed? Here’s my previous discussion:
and I really think that javacoolsoftware didn’t MEAN that Spyware Blaster prevents spyware from being removed. I think they mean that Spyware Blaster doesn’t remove spyware. So Tech, can you read this article and tell me what they mean just to verify because they might be misunderstood by other people:

  1. where can I get my hands on a firewall/router? whatever that is

thanks man,

tim ;D


Actually we have to ask FIXER, because he was the one who started this issue on Spyware Blasters effects. I hope he will come on to give a bit of explanation, and if he agrees with the answers given here.



well I’m gonna rebuild my computer and be back online in like a week.
I’m gonna start off fresh and use new names and passwords.
My new name on avast! will probably be something related to timothy… something…something

bye for now,

tim ;D

oops another thing where can I get a router/firewall? and what is a router/firewall? thnks all,

Sure! No need to further discussion about this.

If you want a ‘hardware’ firewall, probably you should google first for models and/or go shopping! 8)
For sofwares ones, just search the board for ‘firewall’ and you’ll find a lot of information.

pywareBlaster never ever removed any spyware… it is prevention software, not healing software. You install it, update it’s definitions, and it keeps you protected from incomming nasties from the internet… of course, you have to update all modules, for IE, as well as for Mozilla/Firefox.

Here is a router/firewall definition:,sid7_gci212924,00.html

You can get one in any computer store, even in Staples… It’s a hardware component that goes right in between your modem and your PC.

Cheers !

hey is it okay to have a hardware firewall and a software firewall together? will they conflict? I’m gonna try smooth wall it turns your PC into a hardware firewall!


hey is it okay to have a hardware firewall and a software firewall together? will they conflict?

Sure it’s okay, I think that’s the best thing. A good software firewall catches any outgoing (and serves as a backup to catch anything undesirable which your router lets through, which should be nothing), while the router/firewall is excellent protection against inbound attacks.

hey have you heard of smoothwall? it’s on
and can that serve as my ‘hardware’ firewall? it states that it will turn my computer into a ‘hardware’ firewall


tim ;D

Heard about that firewall before but not much. Hardware and Software Firewall shouldn’t conflict but should give you multilayer protection. Only two or more firewalls install in your PC will conflict. Hardware Firewall is install only in your modem. I hope this and other replies help you answer your question.

Now about Spyware Blaster: just to make sure you’re not confuse about it, Spyware Blaster is not like any other antispyware programs; it does not scan your PC for any spyware that has already been downloaded, however, Spyware Blaster does prevent most Spywares and dangerous Active X controls from downloading into your PC from using IE or Firefox.

Please read those articles carefully… it’s not gonna turn your computer into firewall… you need another computer, and that’s very causy if you have some spare old machine. That way, you can fill it up with Smoothwall software and turn it into good firewall… If you don’t have another computer, it would be pretty stupid to go and buy one just because of that… and worst of all, that would be awfully ugly and huge router/firewall… also, Smoothwall is not that easy to set up… I’m talking about newbies in this area… it’s better to start with one of those, plug’n’play thingies…

Go in some computer store and you can buy one of the best hardware routers/firewalls out there… D-Link DI-604 that I have, is around 29-35 dollars. Also, LinkSys routers are wonderful. And much much easier to set up than smoothwall, especially for router/firewall newbies like yourself… no hard feelings, but I’m giving you best possible advices… I don’t want to see you unhappy later :wink:

Other thing… it is very recommended to have both… hardware as well as software firewall. One is great for some things, and another one would be great additional protection. I run both, and many other people do the same…

Cheers !

You just don’t get it do you.Let me give you an example i had some spyware on my computer(didn’t know it at the time) and then installed spywareblaster(the spyware was on my comp BEFORE i installed spywareblaster) . I ran my spyware cleaners which found the spyware and supposedly removed it.So the next day when i restarted the pc i ran the spyware cleaners again and they found the same spyware on my comp as the other day and again it was supposed to be removed so i restarted it again ran the cleaners and it was back(surprise) so i checked on the net what could be the problem and found the solution which was to uninstall spywareblaster clean the pc and reinstall it again.So i removed spywareblaster restarted the pc cleaned it restart it and again scanned and no spyware was found(so it was gone completely) and then i reinstalled spywareblaster scanned(you see now how much trouble i had) my pc and it was clean.Now this doesn’t mean that when you get spyware on your pc you have to unninstall spywareblaster to be able to remove it what it means is that it is possible that if you install spywareblaster on an infected pc which already has spyware installed on it is possible that you won’t be able to get rid of it unless you remove spywareblaster and when the spyware is cleaned you can put it back on but if you install it on a clean pc and then get spyware on it you’re cleanears will be able to get rid of it.I hope this is clear enough for you now :wink:

Yes I can confirm that from experience on my sister in laws computer. Ensure that you are spyware free before you install spywareblaster. Once installed your infections will go down to near zilch, haven’t had to clean hers’ in a while now


And I can confirm that I found a SpywareBlaster one of the most efficient antispyware tools ever. Since the very first day I installed it on my machines, Ad-Aware and Spybot don’t have a job anymore ;D All they find are some not-so-important cookies and that’s all… SpywareBlaster sits there and it really does it’s job. PREVENTING.

Cheers !

It is such a good program isn’t it?I really love it and best of all it’s FREE hehe ;D

Seriously, after installing Spyware Blaster, I only get like at least two spywares in four months (most of the time they’re tracking cookies which I can just delete by using CCleaner or clean temp files out). Spyware Blaster is a must have program on your PC. ;D