Recommended Software and Maintenance

Heya guys, I’m a new user here, and I was just wondering what software you guys would recommend to others. Also, what maintenance steps there should be.

For software, I recommend:

Browser- Internet Explorer/Mozilla Firefox
Antivirus- Avast! Home Edition (of course)
Antispyware- Spybot Search & Destroy/Ad-Aware Personal Edition/Spyware Blaster
Firewall- Zonealarm/Comodo
Monitoring Software- WinPatrol
Instant Messaging- Trillian Messenger Client
Operating System- Windows XP Service Pack 2
Micellaneous- Tweak UI utility/Process Library (going to get process library today)

For Maintenance:

-Check all Programs for updates
-Remove unused programs
-Open Browser(s) and clear out all cookies/temporary files/cache/history
-[If using Windows XP] Run Disk Clean-Up utility and clear out all the available files on main page
-Run Antispyware utilities and remove all the malicious programs, make sure protection is on
-Run Antivirus utilities and remove all malicious programs, make sure protection is on
-[If using Windows XP] Run Error Checking utility
-[If using Windows XP] Run Disk Defragmenter utility
-[If using Windows XP] Run System Restore utility and create your own check point

Yeah, so that’s about it. As you can probably guess, I use Windows XP SP2. So how is my stuff ? As far as I can see, there really isn’t anything wrong with it. Post your recommended software and maintenance steps !!

I added WinPatoral to this list. Man you guys know great utilities !!

:slight_smile: Hi Happy :

 I do NOT see "Ewido" from or
"IE-Spyad for Zoned Out" available from :  on your list !?

 It appears you "clear out all ( "all" ? ) cookies/temporary
 files......" by going to "Internet Options" !? I use Traceless
 AND "ATF Cleaner".

 And I use a good & FREE Registry cleaner.

Hi Happy-Dude!!!
For clearing out cookies,temporary files,cache,history, registry cleaner etc. try CCleaner works nice…

Yeah, I get that utilities can help clear out more stuff and faster, but try to think of saving memory as much as possible. Unless the extreme times come (which I hope is never), I use the clearing utilities that comes with the programs to conserve space.

Yeah, i also think about saving memory as much as possible, and i was using system tools disk clean up,disk defragmentation(still using it but very rare) etc…Than i installed CCleaner and run it and it free about 30Mbt space, so i decided to keep CCleaner… ;D

Wow, CCleaner does look like a nice program … I might just wanna try it … But not anytime soon. Just got a couple of more apps that I need to get used to and learn how to control and use them.