Hi there,
I use Home registered edition on XP + Sygate firewall (seen few topic on this, but it doesn’t cause issues for me). Got problem with the updates. For some time I was getting all updates, but something happend either to my system or maybe to avast - not getting them any more (no manual, no automatic). When avast tries download the updates it shows red information pop-up ‘An error has occured while attemting to update! Click here for more info’. I do click the pop-up disapears, but nothing else happens - no info, no update. Any ideas?
If you disable Sygate firewall will avast update?
If so, you can see if Sygate isnt’t blocking (dening) the update.
How do you connect to Internet: dial-up or DSL? If DSL, when the red box appeared: few seconds after boot?
Did try exit SPF or disable it - same - no updates. I connect to internet throught DSL, but red window not necessarily just after connection/log-in, but time to time - not consistent.
You must create a delay after the loggin and before avast atempt to update.
Change or add this line in your avast4.ini file section [InetWD]:
This is the number of seconds to wait before attempting to update. The default is 30 but it may not be enough in some DSL systems. In this case, you can try increasing this e.g. to 60 (1 minute). That should be enough.
More info: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?board=2;action=display;threadid=1647;start=0
Thanks for all your solutions, but I did choose easiest way - reinstalled avast!- it works now! I guess something was corrupted with system as my pc crashed few times and some other apps were efected also. BTW after install and update avast ‘saved me life’ - imedoatelly removed worm virus. Cheers.
Aha… So this would cure my opposite problem. It takes to long time after Win98 boots before checking for new signatures, and the mail program has then allready started (or I started it) and checked for new mail. I’ll try a lower value than 30 to see what happends.
I don’t have that Section in my avast4.ini file.
I connect thru high speed cable. Should that section
be there?
As always, thanks for your help.
Lars, I’m happy to help you anyway…
Living and learning. I just suggest you read all the avast4.ini file thread. You will find a lot of ‘hidden’ configurations
I don’t have that Section in my avast4.ini file.
I connect thru high speed cable. Should that section
be there?
As always, thanks for your help.
Sorry about this Technical but can you please check this out for me?
Sorry bob, I opened the thread and do not see your last post…
You can create all the sections in avast4.ini regardless how you connect.
Specially you that use high speed cable, can and must do it…
See here: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?board=2;action=display;threadid=1647;start=0 at the end of the screen
Thanks again Technical
The ini file has been updated and will see the results the next time I reboot.
As always, " We’re a band of brothers…"