Red circle on avast a-ball icon

Hi I have Windows Vista
and I am trying to download the new avast home edition

I have done everything I can think of and it still wont work

There´s a red circle on avast! a-ball icon in system tray and when I click on it, the error message appears saying “the AAVM subsystem detected a RPC error”. How to fix this? I went to the FAQ and did what it says to do but

it says
this solution works on Windows NT, 2000, XP and 2003 only. Is there a fix for Vista

I had the 60 day trial and had no problems using it
I like avast so please help


This is frequently associated with having another AV installed or remnants of another AV, though this is strange that you have used the avast without this issue.

Have (or did) you another AV installed in this system, if so what was it and how did you get rid of it ?

I think the fix suggested in the FAQ would also work with Vista, it may just be that the page hasn’t been updated to include Vista.

Is your system time and date correct?
Did you expire your trial period?
How many times have you installed/uninstalled avast?

I had Avast 60 day free trial at first I thought it was the 14 month free and then got a pop up saying trial was ending in 15 days. I uninstalled it by going to my control panel.

I have tried the fix in the faq and still nothing

yes date and time are correct

and not the trial did not end

I have installed it twice and uninstalled it once it is still installed

Also when I go to my security Center
this is what it says
Malware Protection
Virus protection
Avast antivirus 4.831229[VPS 080804-0] reports that it
is turned off. When I choose show me options I get a pop up

Securtity center will not allow this program as it cant be verified

Unless you actually register it and get the registration key sent you would continually get the pop-up saying the trial is coming to an end.

If you were using the Pro trial, then uninstalling is taken as you have ended the trial by the act of uninstalling it. So a reinstall would recognise that fact and only give 6 days use not a further 60 days use.

Complete the avast! 4 Home Registration form and you will receive an email from register @ (without the spaces) with your registration key. Insert Registration Key - Video

I don’t know if this might also be a factor in the Red Circle issue, but a consideration, but the first thing I would suggest is registering your copy.

You didn’t answer my question about a previous AV (other than avast).

I did register it with the key that I got in my email
and a I did what the video said to do

The other AV I had was AVG but uninstalll that when the new version came out a few months ago a as it would freeze my lap top.

Removal Instructions for Antivirus Programs:
Uninstall AVG:

I did the unistall for avg and it not in my control panel any more do
it says i should download and then unistall do I need to do this

The other programs I have is spydoctor

Thank you

Was there any antivirus installed by OEM (from you manufactures, when you buy the computer)? Strange that avast isn’t installing correctly… are you allowing UAC?

which spydoctor

With AVG the uninstaller only knows what was installed at the same time
If you did any PROGRAM updates then the installer will not know about them
that’s why they want you do download the latest installer/uninstaller package

then do this- works to clean up after all AV removals

Using the AntiVir Registry Cleaner

If for some reason the normal uninstall does not work, you may have to download AntiVir’s registry cleaner utility to remove all traces of it from the registry and allow you to reinstall it.

  1. Click on the following link and download the AntiVir Registry Cleaner to your desktop

  1. Create a folder on your desktop called Antivir and Unzip the file to your desktop

  2. Double-click on the file called RegCleaner.exe to run it

  3. Since the program is German, you’ll have to click on the button called “keys asulesen” to search the registry for any issues. Then place checkmarks next to the registry entries you wish to delete.

  4. Finally, click on the button called “loschen” to delete the keys

  5. Restart your computer and try to reinstall your antivirus

If you have EVER had any of the other AV’s listed at the bottom of the PC Hell page run those removers first- including any that came preinstlled on your pc

I dont remember any other av being on here when i got the lap top i downloaded avg right away

what is a UAC


product version

I paid for this version and it is good until April 09

only thing that I do not have is the anti virus engine

okay I just tried to download avg
and when i go to open it
I get file is corrupted

becuase I already have spy doctor would i be better off to get the antivirus from them and just uninstall avast

My condolences.

and I am trying to download the new avast home edition

I have done everything I can think of and it still wont work

You seem to have a problem with your Enter key being struck repeatedly ???

There´s a red circle on avast! a-ball icon in system tray and when I click on it, the error message appears saying "the AAVM subsystem detected a RPC error". How to fix this? I went to the FAQ and did what it says to do but

it says
this solution works on Windows NT, 2000, XP and 2003 only. Is there a fix for Vista

I had the 60 day trial and had no problems using it
I like avast so please help


Try un-installing avast then re-installing it with a reboot in between.

Again which spy doctor
I know of no such program
do you mean PC Tools Spyware Doctor or some off breed malware?

Avast works fine with PC Tools Spyware Doctor- most of the time
There is another thread on the forum see post 6
however your problem may not be even remotely the same as he has the combination working on other machinds

their AV is not in the same class, neither are most of the “Suites”

very sorry yes pc tool spyware doctor

I doubt the problem is Spyware Doctor but you could always uninstll till you get you AV sorted out
NO surfing till you get an AV up and running
any Vista experts out there?

Try full computer on-line scanning:
Kaspersky (very good detection rates)
Trendmicro housecall
BitDefender (free removal of the malware)

Your computer could be infected and any antivirus installation could be ‘blocked’.

please try what tech recommended right away
If one of these are blocked try F-Protect or Dr WEB Cure IT
That’s Cure it not regular Dr Web
you could also try MAlware Bytes Rogue Remover
post back
good luck - I really hope it is not a AV blocker but we have to check