Some times my internet connection isn’t working, then a red pop-up window appears. How do I make this window automatically disapear like the blue update pop-up window?
Are you using dial-up or permanent connection?
Did you set your options into Update (Connection) tab of settings?
I’m not sure but the error panel could stay there until you click on it…
Maybe you get more info clicking ‘Settings’ in my signature.
Hi. I have dsl and have modified connection settings in the settings. My problem isn’t so much that it appears, as that it stays there until I click on it and then I have to click ‘ok’ in another pop-up window too.
Is there anyway of making automatically disappear like the blue pop-up window that appears when an update as been successful?
In the Update (Connections) settings, set it to dialup, not permanent. That way avast will wait till your online before updating. This option is confusing and doesnt just mean dialup 56k modem, as many dsl connections require a logon procedure and so are not permanently online from bootup.
you will still see errors if you go offline very soon after going online, as your interrupting the update.
You could add a line in the avast4.ini file in the [InetWD] section, AlwaysConnectedWaitSeconds=60 to delay the connection slightly to allow the connection to establish.
Rather than try and trick the update connection by ticking dial-up, use the regular My computer is always connected to the Internet and use the delay.
thats ok unless your logon is manual like my Wanadoo dsl, it only connects when I ask it to ie by clicking the connection icon or opening IE/outlook. otherwise its permanently offline.