Hope i’m in the right section. I have finally figured out how to perform a thorough scan but when i booted up the pc this morning i had on two occasions a red error message stating update error. Could someone help me out here please! Thanks in advance. dimwit
Hi and welcome Dimwit
The update error is not an issue if you hadnt connected to the internet (im presuming that you are on dial up) if thats not the case and you are constanlty online then something is stopping Avast! from updating and that could be anything, Firewall is possibly the first place to look but we need more info to help properly .
Hiya Clousau
I am on a dial-up connection with AOL as my ISP. I am using Sygate Personal Firewall and when i checked in the applications section i made sure that full internet access was allowed for: ashWebSv.exe, ashDisp.exe and ashServ.exe. Is there another application/process relating to Avast that i may have missed? Thanks for the help and advice as it is appreciated. dimwit
avast.setup is required, without it, no updates. Check that you haven’t at some point blocked it, if so change the block to accept.
This file is a temporary file, created before the update to spread server load.
Try a manual update and see if sygate asks permission and accept it.
hiya, iv had the exact same problem,
when it comes to this kinda stuff im usually ok but this one has me stumped, iv tried the things that you told dimwit but still keeps cuming up.
i aint on dial up either, iv even turned every firewall i know i have off, even the ones i thought i had taken off.
any ideas?
uncle sam