Red window error message problem

I’ve used Avast for a couple of years, and been VERY happy with it.

Now I’m getting a red window that says something about my registration being about to expire. (I can barely read it before it disappears again.) I tried clicking on it, but nothing happens. What I don’t understand is that I just installed this version a few weeks ago, so I don’t know why anything would be expiring.

Also very odd, my last version of the program simply disappeared off my computer, leaving me unprotected for weeks before I realized it was gone. There had been no warnings of any kind. That disappearance is why I installed the current version.

Should I just uninstall and reinstall, or is there an obvious fix?

Hello and Welcome to the forums :wink:

Well, have you registered your avast! copy? If not, go HERE (the registration is free for home users) and follow the instructions for the registration, after you receive your license simply enter it into your avats! program (the email, which you’ll receive will contain and instruction for entering the key) :wink:

You may need to re-register for a new key.

I had already registered it, when I installed it, but I just now did it again. We’ll see if that stops the red messages.

Thanks to both of you!

When did you registered ? Just for information - the license is valid for 1 year, after that another registration is required :wink:

But just for sure, check if your system date/time is correct :wink:

BTW what operating system do you have?
It’s quite strange that clicking the red popup doesn’t do anything, really.
Normally, it would display a dialog box with additional instructions.


Sorry if this is teaching you to suck eggs but:
Did you receive an email with your new registration key ?
If so did you enter the new key ?

Insert Registration Key - Video

I just realized there were responses to my original post that I hadn’t seen. Thanks everyone for the help. Yes, I’d entered the reg. key etc. I’d done everything I was supposed to do. My operating system is XP Home.
It’s fixed now, but I can’t remember how I fixed it! (That was two months ago!)

Carol… here you must to be in a hush… it’s a living forum… you don’t have to wait to receive answers to your question…
Welcome back 8)

Well better late than never, glad that everything is working.

You should get an email notification if replies are made on topis you start or contribut to. Check your Profile, Notification and Email section.