
Does anybody know how to uninstall I think I accidentally installed it with freeware, either FreeOCR or PDF Architect. I am using WinXP S3.
Scans with Avast (Free Version) and Malwarebytes have failed to detect redirsvc.

Any help would be appreciated.
John Elliot

Check your browser add-ons to see if there is an entry for it and remove it there.

If not, check in Add/Remove Programs as well.

Thank you JWoods for your reply.
I’m using Chrome as my browser. I can find no add-ons - only extensions listed under Tools>Extensions, and redirsvc is not shown there. Also, there is no such program shown in Control Panel> Add/Remove Programs.
I have not been able to find any solutions on the web. Do you have any other suggestions?

John Elliot

John, did you happen to install Unlocker recently?

Any new toolbars showing up in Chrome?

I haven’t installed Unlocker and it does not appear in Add/Remove Programs.
No new tool bars or icons have appeared in Chrome.
The redirsvc bug does not activate every time I go to a new web page, only some times, and I haven’t been able to work out what exactly triggers it. So far it hasn’t hijacked my home page. I’m keen to get rid of it in case it causes progressive damage.

John Elliot

Download and install Revo Uninstaller free, and use it to uninstall the two freeware programs you mentioned in your original post.

When you launch the program, start by clicking on Help > Current Tool Help and read over the steps it takes when doing an uninstall, so you will know what to expect.

Oh dear. Before I started posting on this forum I had already uninstalled the two programs using Control Panel>Add/Remove Programs. Does this mean that Revo Uninstaller will now be no help?

John Elliot