
I ran my recovery disc.

I selected factory restore.
Was all data del.?
It says returned to out-of-box state.

I really don’t know (depends on how the computer was initially setup), but surely this is a question you should have asked ‘before’ using the recovery disk.

If the job is done and you reboot and the data isn’t there then your question “Was all the data del.?” would appear to be correct.

I wan’t all the data to be gone.
Well in the process it said all data on disk will be deleted and rewriteen.
There about 40gb less on my comp an davast is gone an dthere a trrial of n360 2.0

Well essentially a recovery disk would put your system back to the same state that it was in when you bought it.

So I’m not surprised that avast is gone and the trial of n360 is back as that was the start state of your system when you bought it.

I’d leave Norton360 active, while downloading the files you need/want. (These should include the Norton Removal Tool, the full Avast setup file - ~37Mb- and perhaps PCDeprapifier.)
Once you’ve got the tools, you can change AV’s offline. Always a good idea. Check Windows firewall is turned on and Avast active before going online again.
What fun, setting up a new computer. Clean slate.

40gb does sound a lot of volume to lose on a factory restore. Normally out-of-box return is – OS in state you bought it and all personal documents and graphics remain as they were, pending you installing all the programs you think you will need.

e.g where PDF format was not included in out-of-box, if you have PDF files on system, then they remain as they were when they were running, but will not open until you reload Adobe or some such program that will run PDF.

Like avast, Adobe will be lost in the resetting of the OS (I think everything in Programs (Vista) and or Add/Remove programs (XP) will be lost. However some apps and utilities may survive, along with your docs, pictures, music, video files, etc…)

Perhaps were some full backup(s) on the running OS before reset?
And each machine/brand and in some cases model will have their own reset specs, so important to check documentation, or look up under the (your region) brand and model on the internet .

I'd leave Norton360 active, while downloading the files you need/want. (These should include the Norton Removal Tool, the full Avast setup file - ~37Mb- and perhaps PCDeprapifier.) Once you've got the tools, you can change AV's offline. Always a good idea. Check Windows firewall is turned on and Avast active before going online again. What fun, setting up a new computer. Clean slate.

Done that, saved .exe files for avast!, norton removal tool, pctools firewall plus, threatfire, mbam free, SAS free.

Also this Windows mess drives me crazy I might just dual boot with Ubuntu!
And one more thing.

Thanks to factory restore, im vista sp1, and sp2 hasn’t come up in windows update, I used it many times and got 400mb in updates but no sp2. Vista home premium 64-bit. Were can i get it? I don’t know wich one to download at


Windows explorer crashes persist. That’s pretty much it.

Windows problems and solution center (if that what its called) says to use windows update.

You are still getting explorer crashes after the factory restore?
That is suggestive of a hardware problem. Overheating, power supply, and RAM integrity…possibly a poorly seated graphics card or other loose connection are the sorts of things I’d suspect.

How long since you blew the dust out from around the CPU?

I never cleaned the dust from cpu. This Toshiba laptop was purchased march this year.

I also ran pc diagnostic tool given to me by manufacturer, comes clean.

Help on installing sp2. Vista 64bit home premium. Does not come up in windows update.

Usually the problem is when im connected to internet.
At-least I think.

I didn`t see any crashes until i re-installed firefox…

IM cureently using firefox 3.5.5 with browser defender mywot and noscript.

EDIT: I herd there were some issues with ff3.5.5

Well, I’m using Fx3.5.5 (but without the WOT and BD addons) and it works fine.
Are you using IE to connect to Windows Update? Tried downloading it seperately, as an installable file? MS Sp downloads. (Make sure you select the correct one, and already have SP1 installed. The correct one is likely to be one of the x86 ones.)

Ill try the separate download, the .exe file right (ill chose the x86 one becuase im vita 64bit with program files (x86) on the comp.)
Is no script only for firefox?

I think in that case it would be the x64.

The found a different download, first one said 3b-bit installer will not work on 64bit os. somthign like that. I onyl saw 1 crash of windwos explorer.

Starting install now

I decided to burn installer to disc, just in case, but he disc (dvd-r) when you right click says used space, 807mb but the installer is 745mb, after burning when i tried to eject it took a long time, i have hidden files turned on, there onyl 1 item, did somthign else make it on to the disk??