refund requst

Hi! i did a refund request because by mistake i pay for a full license version for a year that i did not wanted but i am not sure if the request go to them because by mistake i did 2 of them the first one at billing address i did not know what to write and i just but my home address there in the second one i put the billing address from my order but because i did not receive an email from doing those 2 request i am afraid that non of them where correct can you guys help me

ps: I am sorry for my bad English

It usually takes a couple of “business” days.
Did you submit the ‘Refund Request’ from here:


The emai that I use is not this from forum the emai is

I would suggest that you modify or remove your email address as it could be harvested by a spambot. The forums (and your email) would be publicly available, you should really only communicate it privately.


I have removed the email address from the post. I can confirm that the refund request was received and is being processed for you.

Thanks BWhit. :slight_smile: