I cannot uninstall Avast either through Control Panel > Programs and Features nor with avastclear.exe.
Control Panel > Uninstall and avastclear.exe V.17.9.3761.0 both fail to uninstall. Both hang. gave it 30 minutes both ways.
Where can I get a list of all the files, their locations, and Registry entries that need removal?
[ol]- Dl’d Free version to see how well it MIGHT perform.
After install, read the terms that came up AFTER the install and decided to uninstall Avast.
First tried Control Panel > Programs and Features Avast Uninstall. It hung at it’s first attempt to deal with the firewall.
Downloaded “avastclear.exe” and restarted in Safe Mode and ran “avastclear.exe”. That too performed just as bad.-
Both ways, in full Windows and in Safe Mode, I had to CTRL-ALT-DEL, and on one, had to Shut Down, and force Avast to close.
RESULT of UNinstall and “avastclear.exe” USE:
Avast no longer shows in Programs and Features. It does however still cause prompts from Norton (paid version), Malwarebytes (Paid), and "kaspersky (paid).
I am unable to install any other anti-anything because they pop up with a remove Avast first. Now I am stuck without an anti-virus until I can remove all traces of Avast. Please Sire, may I have my comp back?
I would like a list of all the registry entries by Avast plus a list of all files and their locations. I can do this if I know what and where they are.
My computer experience is rated ‘highly skilled and proficient’ but anti-virus is not my forte.
Asyn - Had you read my post you’d know I am NOT trying to install and run more than ONE anti-anything!!! Your links to links of links about links have nothing to do with this - had you read it. Now, no one will respond because it APPEARS (wrongfully) that you had the answer, albeit the wrong one for the the wrong reason - thanks a lot!
[quote="himmit post:1, topic:742763"]
Avast no longer shows in Programs and Features. It does however still cause prompts from Norton (paid version), Malwarebytes (Paid), and "kaspersky (paid).
[ol]- You claim to have read that I tried to uninstall Avast several times. Finally it didn’t show up in Programs and Features. One can hope that if by now it is NOT showing in Programs and Features, that it is truly uninstalled - finally - right? Not!
Rebooted again. Beleiving Avast was finally gone, I tried installing Norton. It stopped and said I had to remove Avast _ Avast showed it was uninstalled.
I cancelled Norton install, rebooted and checked again for Avast - nothing there to remove - or so it seems. I tried Kaspersky, same thing, it wants Avast gone. So does Malwarebytes.[/ol]
Once after the other - none together at the same time. As you had guessed was the case.
Gathering that Avast no longer showed in the Programs and Features, one would hope they can go ahead and install a working anti-virus. ONLY when Avast packs up and moves is that an option. I have been trying to evict Avast - and it is hiding in some closet somewhere and refuses to get the heck out!
I was hoping Avast or someone here would cooperate and provide a list of the files and their locations along with the Registry entries so I can remove Avast and move forward without demanding a complete run-down of everything and anything on my system that maybe some day, someone might perhaps by chance read it and actually know what they are talking about.
Did you too notice how many times I asked for the list of files, locations and entries? Maybe that part isn’t showing in the posts at your end?
Not automatically created. Follow the advice offered by Pondus if you expect to install any AV.
Unless you get rid of the remainders of all those AV’s you tried to install and get back to a clean system,
you will not be able to install another AV.