
Immediately after windows2000 starts, I get the following error message:

Error loading reg678.dll.
The specified module cannot be found.

Can some one advise me how to avoid this.


It sounds like you were infected by the Lovgate(J) worm, deleted it and didn’t fix the registry.
Try to find this string in registry (it should be in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, the string value called “Remote Procedure Call Locator”, and having the content RUNDLL32.EXE reg678.dll ondll_reg").
If you find that key, delete it.

There is no registry entry of the type you have indicated i.e, “Remote Procedure Call Locator”

And if you search for “reg678.dll” in your registry, do you find anything?

There is no entry of “reg678.dll” anywhere in the registry.

And you still get that error? That’s very strange…

You can try downloading the StartupList tool from here. When you start it, it will create a list of all the programs automatically executed on Windows start. To be sure, include the parameters /full /complete on the command line. Does the mentioned DLL appear somewhere in the list?

I tried to download StartupList file. It appears only in Mac version. All the links for windows show that the file no longer available. Is there any other software for it?

Try to click the link in my last message again (I changed it). It points to the download page now; the third tool from the top is the link for StartupList download. It’s a version for Windows - nothing to do with MAC.

I hope you mean the reply no 5 attached to this. That message has no link from startupList tool.

I will be thankful if you could please send me the link to the following email id: or


I could find a link myself and downloaded the startupList and the result is given in the attached file. I don’t find ther mention of reg678 anywhere in the list.

I could find the entry in the registry as a part of a string and after removing that string, the problem vanished. Thank you very much.

Do you still remember where you found it in registry? (just curious…)

It was in the same location which you had referred in your 1st reply. I donot know how I missed. When I searched for the first time, I had used “Find” with “reg678.dll” in the search box. The search didnot report any entry since I didn’t know what was HKLM. Later, I undertood from a friend of mine and went to the registry and opened the location you had referred and found a long entry within which this was referred. After removing, it got solved.

Your first reply itself was the solution. Since I was not coversant with the abbreviated HKLM, I was groaping in the dark. After learning what it meant, I could understand your first reply.

A lot of thanks for your advice. After all people like you in AVAST won’t be a novice like me.

I Once again thank you,
