When the Registration page is opened from the Avast icon on the lower right of screen next to the clock, the red X doesn’t close the page nor does anything else except using Task Manager. Tried clicking on different parts of the window, using the Esc key, but nothing works.
Running Avast free 18.4.2338 on Windows 7 SP1
Hey, i think you might be having the same problem as me. Try right click off the window
June 9, 2018, 3:30am
When the Registration page is opened from the Avast icon on the lower right of screen next to the clock, the red X doesn’t close the page nor does anything else except using Task Manager. Tried clicking on different parts of the window, using the Esc key, but nothing works.
Running Avast free 18.4.2338 on Windows 7 SP1
Hi, just tested it, it works for me. Note, I’m running the beta (18.5).
Right clicking on a part of the Avast window behind the Registration page closes the Registration page. So not intuitive!
June 9, 2018, 11:02pm
the red X doesn't close the page
Works for me on Win 7 Pro sp1 x64.
left clicking too.
Issue appears also sometime not only on registration page but on each page we have this “red x” (ex:notifications)
June 10, 2018, 7:11am