Registration Problem...

I have downloaded the Avast Home Version for my Computer (XP Pro. Version). There are currently two users on the computer, with each having their own login screens and password. I was able to activate the product under my login screen, but unfortunately the software is not running under the other login user screen. How can I fix this problem??

You should use the registration key under the Administrator account (or the user with administrator rights). The other ones shoud work without problem. I have XP Pro, two users, I registered only in the Admin accoun and have to do nothing with the other limited user account.

If you do not succeed, please, uninstall and install again, using the Admin account to enter the registration key. Good luck and wellcome to forums. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the reply. I have unistalled and intstalled under Administrator mode. Unfortunately the program works under my login screen, and under the other screen it states that I need a valid registration key. Once I used the same registration key, the message stated that I had an invalid key. :-\

P.S both screens are under Administraton mode. I even chaged the other screen under limited mode, but it still stated that I have a wrong key.

Any other suggestions? ??? ???

Siko, are you from Red Cross International? :wink:

Downgrading the users (from Administrator to limited account) generally brings trouble.
I know you will have to configure your user again but, if you create a new limited user, just for test, can you run avast there?

Siko, haven’t you played with access rights to certain registry keys? Or, haven’t you run a program that pretends to “tighten up the security of your system”?

If you login as ADMINISTRATOR (not as user with admin rights) and install Avast, everything should be fine. Look HERE to see how to login as administrator.

Eddy, I have question. Do I have to uninstall Avast and reinstall it under the Administrator Mode. By the Way, both users on the computer have Administrator capabilities.

Are you talking about the Icon that I am using? If you are, then it is actually an Aramaic word that means “GOD” or ‘Yahway’.

For more info you can visit

Your anglicised spelling is not correct, and the name should not be repeated. Not that secular differences should be talked about here on an anti-virus programme.

Welcome to the Forums. See if this is of any help to you.
If not, I’m sure someone else will be along with an answer.

Bob, have you got the right thread for this, we don’t have a TeRanEX on this thread ???

Sorry about that, Tabbed browsers are nice but not when the post winds up in the wrong tab. Hopefullt somebody helped TeRanEX.

TeRanEX received help!

No need to be sorry, my only concern was that TeRanEX wouldn’t get the advice you posted.