Registry fixing?

I’m an Avast! user(but of course), but I’ve been having some trouble.
Each time I try to ‘repair’, when Avast finds a worm or virus, it just says it can’t. This means I end up having to either delete the problem or putting it into virus vault.

This has caused a great deal of trouble to my registry database, so does anyone know a good registry fixing tool/software?
I would prefer freeware, but if no such good one exists, then shareware.
I am considering Registry Mechanic, does anyone know if it is good?

Thanks a bunch :slight_smile:

Well, if the file is a worm (which it probably is), there is no way how to repair it (the whole file is the virus - there is no original file). So, the only real option is to delete it. The “Repair” option is for file infectors.

What particular “great deal of trouble” do you mean?

Not being a cpu-wiz(nor data-retard :)) I’m assuming it’s the registry database.

I’ve tried it before, when I’ve deleted worms with avast, thus making it impossible to start anything (programs/.exe-files).

The first times I could manage by starting XP in commando prompt and DOS’ing my way to system restore/system recovery (c:windows/system32/restore/rstrui.exe - I believe it is).

This time, I haven’t able to do that, as it wouldn’t even start that.
Thanks to a file at, it fixes this, apparently common, problem with anti-virus programs.
The problem is now that I have to intstall this file each time I start or reboot my computer, to get any of the files to work.
Besides that, now I can only be a limited time on the net, before I get mysterously half unhooked and can’t access between none to some websites, differing from time to time (also my Kerio-firewall starts saying not connected in an error-message).

That’s my problem, which started after detection of worms and subsequently deleting them or putting them to vault(what ever was possible) with Avast!.