reinstalled avast4 home but limited use????

HI hope you can help, Dell tech support assisted me last night on setting up my new lap and did the install for me, however I told her I already had an acct & key, but she installed it as a new limited acct. how do I either re-enter my acct key or reistablish my existing acct. This one wil expire in June and my previous one says never.

Thank you

There in no ‘never expire’ for updates. You can use the program forever, but to update it you need a valid (non-expired) key (home or pro).
See the tutorial to insert the key:

I assume that you aren’t using the avast 4 server edition but the avast 4 Home ?
In which case hopefully one of the moderators will move it to the correct forum.

What is your avast version ?
The current Home version is 4.8.1169, check the about avast for the full version info.

As far as I’m aware it should be installed with an account with administrator privileges, or at the very lease log on to an account with administrator privileges and enter the registration key.

The one that says it will expire in June would be the 60 day trial expiry until you enter a registration key. The other ‘never’ relates to program updates in the Home version, if you look further you should se an Updates Expiration date. At that point you would have to re-register.

Thanks that was helpful, I know how to get to the registration from about avast folder. My question is that the key is on the old puter which is still functioning so I cannot copy & past but can manually type it. But I didn’t know if while it’s active on the old puter I can add it to the new? I will be whipping the old one out as I have to send it back but first need to reinstall & transfer all files & programs.