Reliability of WebRep

I am unfortunately discovering that the WebRep tool is unreliable when it comes to displaying a site’s reputation. I have found a few sites in which the reputation displayed is VERY POOR, but the sites are verifiably safe. Someones opinion of a site is swayed strictly by the individuals values rather than the trustworthiness of the sites content? Is there anyone else seeing this?

Yes, I have heard that this process is fallible. Using avast!'s ability to browse virtually (in the sandbox) is the safest way to go online.

Malwarebytes appears to have the best record at URL blocking of malicious websites.

Reputation and safety are not mutually exclusive.

Have you used WebRep, by that I mean rated any sites yourself? Look at what it asks you. It asks you “Do you Like this site, and how much do you like it based on the colored slider?”, then “What content is here based on these pre-defined catagories?”

The biggest problem with WebRep is people overestimating what it is in the first place. The think because it is bundled with an antivirus, it must be a security rating. But it is a social rating.

I have heard of sabotage being used here, where a user got pissed off at a company, so to use WebRep against them.

Under the very definition of what is being asked by WebRep (Do you like this and how much?), there is no such thing as sabotage at least when it comes to the slider. Content tag is another story, but how much someone Likes something is completely subject to opinion. Its literally the Avast! equivalent of Youtube’s “Like/Fav”, or the Facebook thumb, if slightly more complex. Its a social opinion scale.

If this is a social user opinion, then why the hell is it embedded in my anti-virus program. Same crap is the “like avast” and the stupid credit rating POS. I hope avast! is not becoming a “Dell”, over loaded with crapware. No wonder we are not the fastest A/V anymore. All this crapware embarrasses me when I have to explain this crap to corporate america, WHY?!

The “Like” fad sells. There is no getting around that.

There was talk of actually incorporating security data from Avast! into the ratings at some point in time…don’t know if that is still in the works or not.

Well if you don’t like it, excuse the pun I couldn’t help my self (and I don’t like it either) switch off the avastUI, Settings, Community, Community Features option as I have.

I hate social networking sites the spawn of the devil, but they are today and every sod and their friend has a facebook page, etc. etc.

However, your comparison to Dell crapware is a joke, no comparison whatsoever. The community, social networking linkage thing and the WebRep wouldn’t make a blind bit of difference to AV speed, so that isn’t the cause, but since you are not giving details, no one can comment…