Remembering D-Day

Remembering D-Day

I remember my mother, father and my grandparents telling stories of living in horror and fear for 4 years or more not knowing if they would wake up in the morning or what they would be able to eat the next day.

I remember my mother telling me that my father never saw me until I was 2 years old as he went to war to help preserve freedom and his term of duty was for that amount of time.

Sitting here with the TV on tuned to the live broadcast from France makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up remembering growing up playing in areas that were bombed out and my parents yelling at me to get away as there might be un-exploded ordinance around there still.

I remember playing with gas masks pretending being under attack just like my parents taught me.

I remember talking to my friend’s parents who were prisoners of war and some with missing limbs, eyes and horrible scars on their faces from burns or shrapnel wounds.

Thank you to all the brave veterans that helped preserve our freedom in old and current war situations.

Thanks for the post YoKenny This is the 65th Anniversary.

My father-in-law (second from the left)who will celebrate his 90th birthday on June 11th at a reunion
of the Big Red One in St Louis last year. There are unfortunately fewer WW ll vets at these reunions each year.

I have just been watching some of the 65th Anniversary, Remembrance, Service & Parade on the BBC.

The presence of Veterans from all Countries and their stories were very moving.

The only disappointment for me was the presence of our PM and his failure to ensure the presence of the Queen. If it were up to him there would have been no official recognition until the people (press) started kicking up a stink.

Hey YoKenny ! Were you born in France ?


It was a terrible terrible time and this proud Slav over here and his family are eternally gratefull to all those that helped to end the Nazi oppression. We will never forget !
Racism sucks ! Wars suck even more ! >:(

I was born in St. Albans England outside of London as my mother lived in the east end of London near the big docks that were a favorite bombing site of the Luftwaffe and they evacuated pregnant women there for safety.

[quote="YoKenny post:1, topic:628872"] Thank you to all the brave veterans that helped preserve our freedom in old and current war situations. [/quote] +1

It was a terrible terrible time and this proud Slav over here and his family are eternally gratefull to all those that helped to end the Nazi oppression. We will never forget !
Racism sucks ! Wars suck even more ! >:(

If I had not seen it with my own eyes I would have just thought it media hype.

I have walked through cement bunkers that helped protect England and I have ridden in a “Duck” landing craft that took place in D-Day as they were used as entertainment for us kiddies at the beach: <== I would rather do it here though

I’m watching real ww2 footage from d-day right now(would post it but it is too disturbing) and i have to admit it brought a tear to my eye. I just can’t imagine being on that beach, fellow soldiers getting shredded to pieces around you, no decent cover, nothing to help you. Now try and take those fortified positions with mg 42’s and artillery shooting at you constantly. It takes a very brave person to perform his duties under those circumstances.

Personally the royal family make me heave. However, I think the queen was not invited ( prince charles, at the last minute )
Although, i understand, the veterans view the royal family differentlyThey being very old, from a generation,when the queen meant something,the queens presence,should have been guaranteed.

Omaha Beach - Today and yesterday

My fully respects for those who fight in that battle.
My condolences for all that lose their lives.

Thanks for everything, brave soldiers for ending the horrible war…

The sacrifices u all had made was not in vain…



-= I suddenly came to remember my history class… :wink:

It was Douglas MacArthur that made the expression I shall return famous and Arnold Schwarzenegger changed to I’ll be back that he made good use of in 1984 science fiction thriller film The Terminator that I learned in the history class called Life.

-= I can’t remember it very well since I’m not listening when my teacher discusses… Was it Operation Overlord…? Well, I’ll pass on history, I’m not good at it… :frowning:

Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
George Santayana:

It was Operation Overlord but I was refering to Douglas MacArthur who was Field Marshal of the Philippine Army.

-= A… Sorry if I might have caused confusion, it was Operation Overlord that I remembered from our history class… :wink:

-= By the way, there’s some sort of a commemoration for MacArthur in the Philippines…

Oh yes…MacArthur was a very important figure in the WW2^^hahaha^^

He defeated the Japanese in our country and then…some things happened^^
